- By Mac and Lynn Green
- Around Town

Teams of children with their friends and parents set off in all directions across the village to pick up whatever they could find along the roadside, in the anglers parking areas and down Salmon Creek. The unseasonal weather was very cooperative giving them a fantastic afternoon of sunshine which helped bring out enough people to collect eight bags of trash, enough scrap metal to build a small car (or so it seemed!), two 30 gallon crates of bottles and cans, one truck tire and a whole deer skull.

(Left to right) Elena Lauzun, Krista Taylor, Caroline Taylor, Hannah
Weaver, Jubilee Roe-Weaver, Indigo Kane, Ari Wunderlich, Elliott
Green, Toby Green (printed with permission).
There was enough time and enthusiasm left to weed the garden and prune the bushes around the bandstand after which the afternoon came to a close with some cookies and drinks and the group using up what remaining energy they had in the playground.