- By Town of Lansing Department of Parks & Recreation
- Around Town

The Town of Lansing Department of Parks & Recreation is offering many summer programs with a wide range of diverse choices. Currently the Myers Park Day Camp sessions are sold out; however, Limited spaces are still available in many other camps. The listing of classes and camps include: Band & Orchestra Camp, Instructional Swimming, Intro to Art Camp, Arts & Crafts in The Park, Chinese Brush Painting, Electricity and Magnetism, Intro to Computer Programming, Tennis, Golf Camp, Horse Riding Camp, Rock Climbing Camp, Soccer Camp, Performance Sailing, Reading Bonanza, Spanish Camp, Instructional Bowling, Girls Basketball Camp, Boys & Girls Basketball Day Camp, Cross Country Camp, Track & Field Camp, High School Musical Program, Karate, Cooking Camps, Cake Camp, Outdoor Adventure Club, Gymnastics, Youth Wrestling, BMX & Skate Camp. Also, enjoy the Summer Concert Series in Myers Park on Thursdays.
Specifics regarding all listings are located on registration forms and on our web page www.lansingrec.com or call the Recreation office 533-7388.