- By Kyle Cundy
- Around Town

More than a playground for Myers Park, this project will be a community gathering place for everyone to enjoy. During construction week, hundreds of volunteers will come together and, in less than a week, build the best playground in Tompkins County. Volunteer-built parks of similar size across the country have seen as many as 3,500 volunteers participate.
While the volunteer-built nature of these projects increases their value to two to three times their cost, the real value of the playground is in the process of hundreds of volunteers working together. Over the weeklong build, volunteers connect with each other, and lasting friendships are formed. Each leaves with a real appreciation for what volunteerism can do in a community and has pride in their accomplishment.
This project has a job for everyone, no matter their skill level or construction experience. Tompkins County organizations, businesses, and residents will join together to build this playground. All volunteers will be provided with lunch and dinner. Childcare will be provided for children ages 2-9.
The tools committee is still collecting tools from community members and local businesses. There is a tool collection scheduled this Saturday from 10am-12pm at Myers Park.
Although fundraising efforts have been outstanding to date, with over $100,000 raised, more is needed to reach the goal of $130,000. Z95.5 and Tompkins Trust Company have teamed up with the MP3 committee in collecting Pennies for the Park. Even the children can help by saving their Pennies and dropping them off at any Tompkins Trust Company branch. A final fundraising event will take place this Saturday, June 6, at Crossroads Restaurant from 11am-3pm.