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Hunger & Food Security continues to be one of UWTC’s targeted impact areas of care. Each year, there are two grant cycles awarding funding to local organizations that help individuals and families address their need for food. Funding for these grants is from campaign donors (individuals, corporations, and foundations) that choose to have their gifts designated to this initiative.
“In our day to day lives we might not think about the people in Tompkins County that are food insecure," added Vicki Taylor. "Every day, local residents, especially children, are going hungry and these agencies are providing incredible programs and services that alleviate hunger, which at times can be invisible to the rest of us.”
The Spring funding cycle recipients are:
Cancer Resource Center of the Finger Lakes: Nutritional Support for Individuals in Cancer Treatment - $900
This program provides small cash assistance grants ($50/each) to help purchase appealing and nutritional food for individuals with low-income and in treatment for cancer.
Child Development Council: Infant Formula and Baby Food - $1,500
This component of the Family Services Program provides supplemental infant formula and baby food to ensure food security for infants and toddlers.
Food Bank of the Southern Tier: BackPack Program - $9,000
The Food Bank's BackPack Program fills the gap that remains on weekends and holiday breaks, when children cannot access free or reduced price school meals. Bags of nutritious, child-friendly food are distributed to program participants in the Ithaca City and Newfield Central School Districts, for consumption on weekends and holidays.
Immaculate Conception Church Food Pantry: Commercial Refrigerator - $3,156
The refrigerator will increase the pantry’s ability to provide meat, dairy and other perishable food items; in 2009 they served 91,915 pounds of food from the Food Bank of the Southern Tier.
Loaves and Fishes of Tompkins County: Free Meal Program - $3,000
The program provides hot, nutritious meals each weekday to all who come. Limited food items and free meal coupons are available for emergencies.
Southside Community Center: Southside Hot Food Program - $7,444
This program is designed to provide one hot meal, five days a week and ongoing nutritional education through collaboration with local agencies throughout the entire year. During the summer, the plan is to add an educational component that teaches youth to cook healthy meals themselves.
United Way also announced that grant requests are being accepted for the Basic Needs Fund through July 5th. This Fund for is established to provide resources to meet the emergency core needs of local families and individuals including food, housing, utilities, and programs supporting economic impact. All local nonprofit organizations serving Tompkins County are eligible to apply for a Basic Needs Fund grant, which totals $53,100.