- By Barbara L. Post
- Around Town

Through a fund established and maintained by the family of the late Velma Van Buskirk and administered by Peachtown Elementary School, the annual prizes of $200 each are awarded to two 10 – 18 year old students residing in the Southern Cayuga, Union Springs, Lansing, Moravia and Auburn school districts.
Sarah Zakour is the daughter of Nancy and Ted Zakour of King Ferry. She credits her “crafty, creative and inventive” grandfather Ed Dinkel and her jeweler and goldsmith father as having influenced her artistic endeavors. Zakour’s portfolio included 2-D and 3-D art: ceramics, drawing, painting and origami.

Nina Lindberg
Nina Lindberg is the daughter of Mike and Bonita Lindberg of Lansing. Nina’s Performing Arts Prize recognized her achievement in song writing and performance. Lindberg who plans to pursue a career in writing, began writing lyrics and composing just one year ago. She is a classically trained bass player, who later took up the electric bass and began singing with Luke Kutler.
She now sings and plays in a band called Finding Tomorrow with fellow musicians Tom Arleo, Yusong Liu, and Luke Kutler. Lindberg credits her English teacher and mentor Ms. Andrea Huskie for contributing to her success.