- By Billy Kepner
- Around Town

Aimed at building unity, improving problem-solving tactics, and enhancing communications, TEAM Challenge helps co-workers find leadership within themselves while learning innovative tactics to arrive at group problem solving solutions. These helpful skills, essential in any field, are not gained in the conventional meeting room of an office building but rather on an intricate ropes course in the beautiful natural forest at the Cayuga Nature Center.
This challenging yet fun workplace enhancing program will soon be in the hands of the new director Matt Sacco. Sacco is a local graduate of both Ithaca High School and Tompkins-Cortland Community College (TC3). His Environmental Science concentration at TC3 led him to a brief field study at a remote salmon hatchery in Prince William Sound, Alaska. Sacco soon migrated back to Ithaca and began working in a challenging environment with at-risk youth throughout Tompkins County. Since 2009, he has been working with the Cayuga Nature Center as a camp counselor, while simultaneously being cross-trained by the former TEAM Challenge Director, Jes Steele.
The avid nature lover and environmentalist says, “I love working at the Cayuga Nature Center and love the people I work with!” Sacco’s positive attitude and fresh perspective cohesively pair with his experienced field background and ensure that he will outstandingly execute his position as the new TEAM Challenge director.
The staff at the Cayuga Nature Center look forward to seeing what Sacco will bring to this already reputable program. The Cayuga Nature Center is a non-profit organization focusing on cultivating awareness, appreciation, and responsibility for the natural world.