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schools_120The Finger Lakes Land Trust announced that Lansing resident Susanne Lorbeer was chosen as the organization’s Volunteer of the Year. The presentation of the award took place Sunday, July 24 at the Skaneateles Country Club on Skaneateles Lake.

Susanne, a retired elementary school teacher, has been volunteering with the Land Trust for nearly ten years and is well known in the community, especially among botanists and nature enthusiasts. Susanne recently undertook a large project for the Land Trust involving cataloging and organizing lists of species on the Land Trust’s nature preserves.

“The contribution of time and talent made by Susanne over many months this past year, to make more than 30 species lists much more uniform and useable, was truly impressive and a great contribution to the Finger Lakes Land Trust – we appreciate her efforts and dedication very much!” said Director of Stewardship, Chris Olney.

Susanne is also an active volunteer with the Cornell Plantations, Cornell’s Liberty Hyde Bailey Hortorium and the Finger Lakes Native Plant Society. Susanne lives in the Village of Lansing with her husband, Jim.

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