- By Kerry A. Barnes
- Around Town

What makes this such an achievement is that the TC SPCA is the only shelter in the nation that’s No Kill and Open Admission, so it doesn’t save only “cute and cuddly” animals, but also finds loving new homes for old and blind animals, and even pets missing limbs. And as the animal control authority for the county and all townships, the TC SPCA ensures that the entire community is No Kill, making Tompkins County statistically the most humane place in America.
“Our work means life for thousands of homeless dogs, cats, and other animals,” said Executive Director Jeff Lydon. “We’re proud to have helped make this county the most humane community in America – thanks to our many supporters who open their hearts and homes to animals in need. We won’t discard animals just because they’re not perfect. Neither their lives nor their love is disposable.”
The Tompkins County SPCA’s Dorothy & Roy Park Pet Adoption Center is open seven days a week, from 12:00 to 5:30pm. Research available animals online at www.SPCAonline.com.