- By Lansing High School Drama Club
- Around Town

Lansing High School presents
A Midsummer Night's Dream
By William Shakespeare
In conjunction with this production, The Lansing High School Drama Club is promoting a "Community Read" to help our students get excited about reading, Shakespeare, and theatre. The Lansing Community Council, LTAPA and the PTSO have each pledged financial support to help make this dream a reality. We are raising money to put an age-appropriate book in the hands of every student in Lansing Elementary, Middle and High Schools. We will also donate books to the Lansing Community Library.
Help us get the word out about our day-long fundraiser at Barnes & Noble on Saturday, October 1st:
Fundraiser -October 1st, Barnes & Noble: Store Wide Book Fair
We will have a table in the front of the store from 10am until 9pm to promote our program, sell tickets and pass out stickers to customers. We will receive a percentage of the total purchase made by any customer sporting a sticker including food, drink - anything in the store. We will perform the Pyramus & Thisbe scene at 7pm. Through out the day there will be story reading, face painting, fairies in costume and more.
All proceeds from this event will go to buy age-appropriate Midsummer Night's Dream books for every student in Lansing Elementary, Middle and High Schools.
Questions? Contact: Karen Veaner
607-592-1386 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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