- By Sara Wells
- Around Town

Sciencenter galleries will be transformed to include weird, gooey twists on favorite exhibits. Visitors will be treated to glow-in-the-dark water table exhibits, an eerie Musical Soundscape staircase, and a graveyard of famous scientists. Those brave enough to use only their sense of touch can find unexpected squishy, slimy things at every turn. A mysterious fortune teller will be on hand for those curious about what surprises their future may hold.
In demonstrations that are guaranteed to raise the hair on the back of your neck, Sciencenter visitors can watch a static electricity demon-stration as they learn how a Van de Graaff generator works. Dan the Snakeman will present snakes, spiders and other live, creepy creatures of the night (and day). The Ithaca College Chemistry Club will share weird tricks and treats of chemistry with live demonstrations throughout the night.

Children can make paper bleed, explore spooky optical illusions, make common objects “scream,” and participate in other Halloween-themed activities. Ghosts and ghouls of all ages will want to be sure to catch the surprise grand finale, which happens at 8:30 pm in the Emerson Science Park.
Spooky Science will be at the Sciencenter Friday, October 28, 2011 from 6 to 8:30 pm.