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pinewood_120Cub Scouts from Lansing Pack 48 along with their parents, held their annual Pinewood Derby Race.  This is one of the highlights of the Cub Scout Pack.  It was held on Saturday, January 28 at Lansing’s R.C. Buckley Elementary School Cafeteria.

Cub Scouts received their pinewood derby kit at a Pack meeting in December.  The kit consists of a block of pine, four axles and four wheels.  It is up to individuals to come up with some creativity, and creativity they came up with.  There were cars resembling all sorts of themes, such as stock cars, hot dogs even a submarine.

Doug Caveney helped organize a Pit Day at the Lansing Community Center where Cub Scouts could come and build their cars.  They could design, cut out, paint their cars and receive tips to finish up their cars.

pinewood_twoupBear Cub Scout Elliott Green's convertible car with operating headlights (left). Bear Cub Scouts watch as their cars race down the track

On race day the cars were lined up at the start gate and sent down a 32 foot long track.  Each car ran once in each of the five lanes and the winner in each Den was determined by their overall average time.

The Pack consists of five Dens, grades first thru fifth.  Tigers, Wolves, Bears, Webelos I and Webelos II.  The Pack’s five Dens competed along with a Parent/Sibling race.  There were nearly 50 cars that competed.  There were first thru third place trophies awarded for each Den.  Each Cub Scout received a medal for participating.  The top finisher in each Den progressed to the final race where first thru third trophies were awarded.  The top car overall was Grady Grimm. 

The winners were:

Tiger Den Wolf Den Bear Den
Grady Grimm -first Kaydin Golden -first Ian Gonzalez – first
Luis Mauleon - second Sam Bell – second Gabe Santiago - second
Sean Anderson -third Michael Kadlecik - third Connor Watts - third
Webelos I Webelos II Top Five Overall
Ian Rudy – first Joel Craig – first Grady Grimm - first
Quin Coleman – second 
George Taylor – second Joel Craig - second
Johnny Hern – third
Bob Lama – third Ian Gonzalez - third

Fastest Single Lap

Zachary Sperger – Tiger Den

The top finisher in each Den will have the opportunity to compete in the Taughannock District Race that will be held on February 18th in Dryden, NY.

pinewood_cars(Left) Dave Taylor at the start gate. (Right) The top five cars from left to right - Kaydin Golden 4th, Ian Gonzales 3rd, Joel Craig 2nd, Grady Grimm 1st, Ian Rudy 5th

Bonnie Blair and the group from Lansing United Methodist Church's Kids in Action Now were at the Pinewood Derby Race and sold refreshments to help purchase nets for helping prevent malaria for kids in other countries.

The race track Pack 48 uses was built by Borg Warner's Thomas Bordoni in 1984.  The track was donated to Pack 48 in 2001 and has served the Pack well.  Tom Bordoni is the Uncle of Marine Chris Bordoni that was injured in Afghanistan a few weeks ago.  In honor of Chris, the Cub Scout and Parents made cards to go to the family of the injured Marine and also gave generous donations. 

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