- By Ann M. Colt
- Around Town

“When we accepted the role of co-chairs during this 90th year, we understood the legacy of service and leadership. Beyond the many volunteers and contributors over the years, there is an unwavering history making life better for families and households regardless of the economic and political environments," said John Gutenberger.
On the heels of a recession and the current restructuring and reduction of public services and funding, many local residents are under great stress. Nancy Fuhr Bonn, LCSW, shared that demands for mental health related services have increased dramatically across the community and region. In addition, local providers state the complexity of issues is also increased.
The decision to set a goal of $2,151,000 was based on responding to the growing level of local needs.
“To date, the community’s support has been generous with pledges and contributions exceeding $2,000,000,” added Fred Bonn.
People have seen that the needs are real, and have demonstrated their continuing confidence in United Way to help make a needed difference. The co-chairs said their efforts now are to extend the reach of available services by meeting and hopefully exceeding the goal.
“In some ways, we all know that the goal is just a number. What we and other volunteers have been working toward is providing care and safety for Tompkins County households facing needs that cannot be met otherwise,” said Mary Gutenberger.
Thanks to gifts from Corporate Cornerstone Partners, 100% of gifts to United Way’s Community Care Fund, Hunger and Food Security, Student Engagement, Urgent Rx, the new Volunteer Center, Volunteer Live United, and designations to member organizations will go directly to support programs and services. Gifts made through the campaign to other United Ways will also be passed on in full. The co-chairs acknowledged that many people commute from surrounding communities to employment in Tompkins County. The United Way is a partner with those donors and community United Ways.
The co-chairs concluded admitting that it is hard to miss the symbolism of trying to raise $90,000 for 90 years of service beginning Valentine’s Day. It was a theme that the volunteers and staff rallied around. “90 years ago, a decision was made, after four years of study, that a community chest would help local residents and organizations solve many of the problems that existed,” added Fred Bonn.