- By Matthew P. Binkewicz
- Around Town

Lansing's Advice Column
Dear IMO,
I get really irritated at women who park their minivans and SUV’s in spots reserved for pregnant women when they are not the least big pregnant. While shopping at Wegmans the other day, I saw this rather trim woman get out of the “mommy mobile” and walk toward the entrance. I immediately asked her if she was with child. She replied no. So I said what right do you have parking in a place reserved for pregnant women? She smiled, and said she was sorry. I wanted to report her to the manager, but I hesitated, thinking it a bit silly. What can I do to prevent these reserved parking space violators?
Patiently waiting,
Wow! I thought I had some weird pet peeves. You were lucky she didn’t whack you with her purse for asking such a bold question. But you do bring up a good point. Reserved parking spaces are set aside for specific users and not cheaters. It is easy to detect when someone illegally parks in a handicapped parking space by merely looking at the license plate or for the special decal hanging from the rear view mirror. Those who do park illegally risk a fine or having their vehicle towed.
However, it is a bit trickier when it comes to those spots reserved for “Expecting Mothers.” I spoke with a manager at Wegmans, who asked that his/her name not be used. Although they have no way of knowing whether the women parking in those reserved spaces are truly “Expecting Mothers”, they believe the overwhelming majority are indeed parking there because they are with child. The manager has had several complaints from men as well as from women about this abuse. I asked if Wegmans would ever consider leveling the playing field and reserve parking space for “Expecting Fathers.” The manager laughed and politely replied, “No comment.”
Dave, take my advice, and devote your energies to a new cause. Perhaps you might organize a group to patrol the lakeshore and pick up trash or volunteer for a local charity. Whatever you decide make sure it does not involve parking lots or reserved places.
E-mail your question to IMO at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..