- By Matthew P. Binkewicz
- Around Town

Lansing's Advice Column
Dear IMO,
I need some advice for a Valentine’s Day present. Whenever I ask my girlfriend for a hint, she always tells me that anything I get her is just fine. What should I get my girlfriend? Should it be romantic or practical?
Dear Phil,
The answer is a 10 inch cordless miter saw with a laser guided cutting edge. She’ll love it, and you won’t have to feel bad since she already told you no matter what you buy, it will be just fine.
I suggest that the two of you spend some time discussing what each of you would like. Perhaps a combination of romantic and practical would be more desirable. Buy a gift and plan to have dinner at a special restaurant. Roses are always a wonderful gift, but you can forgo tradition and buy a bouquet of her favorite type of flowers. Tulips or daffodils are a sign of your love and the hope that spring is just around the corner. Jewelry can be a real treat, but make sure she has told you what she likes before you buy.
You can also add to the occasion by some personal touches. Surprise her by walking with her to the car and physically opening the door rather than using the remote on your key chain. Remember to shut the door carefully once she has sat down. If you are really courageous, try writing a poem that describes your love for her.
Avoid the heart shaped box of chocolates for this will certainly tell that special someone you ran into the drugstore on Tuesday and found the ideal gift at 5:55 pm. If it’s Godiva, she may forgive you. Good luck.
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