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Lansing Recreation Department is offering President's Vacation Rock Climbing Camp during the school break next week.  "We've been teaming with Cornell Outdoor Education for the last couple of years," says Recreation Director Steve Colt.  

Cornell instructors will teach campers the basics of rock climbing at the Lindseth Rock Climbing Wall, the largest indoor rock climbing wall in North America.  The wall, made of natural rocks embedded into concrete blocks,  is 30' high and 160' wide.  It features overhangs, hand cracks, slabs and chimneys.

Two three-day sessions will be offered over the Presidents Week Break.  The first, on February 10-22 will be held from 8:30 to noon.  A February 22-24 session will be 1:00 - 4:30pm on Wednesday, then 8:30-noon on Thursday and Friday.

"It's been very popular," says Colt.  "It's been popular enough that we expanded it into a summer program and in the past year it expanded into the outdoor challenge course."


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