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This year’s March had many new and improved features. It moved from TC3 to the Cornell Plantations F.R. Newman Arboretum. It started a bit later in the day and took place a full two weeks early than in the past two years. It was followed by a dog and family friendly picnic. More than 250 people registered for the March as fundraisers – twice as many as last year. And over 1,500 people made online gifts to their favorite Marcher or March team.
Jim Bouderau, executive director, says “This is the biggest and most successful fundraising event we’ve ever had and it is particularly important this year as we have been seeing record breaking numbers coming into our shelter. This tremendous accomplishment comes at the opportune time when the shelter is at its fullest, our animals are at their youngest, and the SPCA is in need the most.”
The March, like other local fundraisers Women Swimmin’ and AIDS Ride is a “friend-raiser”. Participants are asked to raise a minimum amount of money when they register, and get to work asking friends, family, co-workers, and anyone they know for support. Bouderau says “If 10 people ask 10 friends for $10 it quickly adds up to $1,000 for the nearly 3,000 animals that rely on us each and every year.”
The money raised from the March accounts for a full 10% of what the SPCA needs to raise annually to make sure shelter animals have all the care that they need.
The SPCA wants to thank event chairs Emily Russell-Smalls and Dan Smalls, and all of the event sponsors: Harris Beach, CFCU, Cayuga Medical Center, Hilton Garden Inn, Audrey Edelman Realty USA, Cayuga Radio Group, Felicia’s Atomic Lounge, Purity Ice Cream, HOLT Architects, Maguire Family of Dealerships, Ithaca Bakery, Agava, Cans for Causes, Rachel Philipson Photography & Design, Wegmans, and Bells Designs.
Bouderau goes on to say: “Wow! I am just amazed that our whole community rallied for our animals and am amazed at how successful a ‘friend-raiser’ like this can be in Tompkins County. Our sponsors, fundraisers, supporters, and volunteers went above and beyond in making this years’ March a complete success. Words cannot express our gratitude for all they’ve done”.
Cornell Plantations has invited the SPCA to hold the 2013 March in the same location. The date is to be determined.