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nozzolio_120NYS Senator Mike NozzolioIn May of 2012 Stephen Hilyer, son of Donna and Stephen Sr. of Waterloo was tragically killed in a hit and run accident by a drunk driver as he walked home along Routes 5-and-20.  Compounding this tragedy were the incredible facts that the drunk driver who took Stephen's life had 7 previous alcohol related arrests, and was convicted of felony Driving While Intoxicated four separate times! My first reaction, probably like yours, was how could this happen?

Unfortunately, this tragic incident is all too common.  On New York State highways an incredible 17,500 licensed drivers, who already have been convicted of  numerous multiple alcohol-related offenses, have somehow continued to drive and been involved in at least one crash that seriously injured or killed someone.  These repeat offenders have been involved in over 22,000 crashes, resulting in over 500 deaths.

The tragic death of Stephen Hilyer serves as a vivid reminder for us in the Finger Lakes region of the permanent damage drunk drivers inflict on our families and communities.  As chairman of the Senate Crime Victims, Crime and Corrections Committee, I have supported and continue to fight for numerous measures designed to keep repeat drunk drivers off the road.  Among these measures are provisions to increase fines, mandatory license revocation and limited plea-bargaining.

After meeting Stephen Hilyer’s family and hearing their personal story of loss, I redoubled my efforts to increase the penalties on intoxicated drivers who kill or injure others.  As a first step, I have backed several important rule changes that will empower the Department of Motor Vehicles to revoke an individual's drivers license if they have multiple convictions for DWI or reckless driving.  These rule changes will also close existing loopholes and ensure that a repeat DWI offender whose driver’s license is suspended or revoked will no longer be able to get their licenses reinstated by just completing the DMV’s Drinking Driver Program.

The recent rule changes enacted by Governor Cuomo will strengthen our state’s licensing requirements to protect our citizens and ensure the repeat drunk drivers are kept off the road.  As a direct result of this rule change, an estimated 20,000 convicted drunk or reckless drivers will lose their licenses or have them delayed, hopefully making our roads safer this Holiday season.  It is my belief that these changes are a step in the right direction, but there is still much more we can do to protect our citizens.  We must continue to strengthen our laws to protect innocent victims like Stephen and ensure that repeat drunk and reckless drivers lose their driving privileges for life.

Throughout my service in the State Legislature, the safety of our citizens has always been of great importance to me and I believe New York State needs to find as many ways as possible to reduce drunk driving and prevent repeat offenders from getting back on the road. As your State Senator, you can be assured of my efforts to keep our roads and highways safe.

As we celebrate the holiday season with our family and friends, let us be mindful of our responsibility to be safe drivers.

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