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 Lansing's Advice Column

Dear IMO,

I really hate my boss and her assistant. These two individuals are demeaning, spiteful, and worst of all, complete phonies. With every moment I spend at the office, I grow more depressed and frustrated with my plot in life. I love the work and the people I help, but the conditions at the office push me to the brink. Sometimes, it gets so overwhelming I simply shut the door and cry. I have been in my line of work for 25 years and am very good at what I do. My husband tells me to give my two week notice ASAP. Can you give me any advice?



Dear Patti,

Your situation does sound desperate. Considering the attitude of your boss and her assistant along with the heavy emotional strain on your personal well being, I suggest you follow your husband’s advice and hand in your 2 week notice. Clearly, the emotional strain is more than most people could handle or should have to tolerate in the professional world.

The fact that these two individuals have vented their wrath on you sends a clear signal that more serious issues will surface, possibly more harassment of employees or the collapse of the business. Your emotional well being is more important than a paycheck.

From a financial look, you may have to adjust your lifestyle for a while, unless you have a job waiting in the wings or can manage solely on your husband’s income. I suggest you take some time off and recover from this experience. While you are recovering, update your résumé and keep an eye out for a new job.

E-mail your question to IMO at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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