- By Ann M. Colt
- Around Town

Due to an increase in demand for funding, UWTC established Spring and Fall Hunger & Food Security Grant Cycles. In 2012, a total of $57,854 was awarded through the two grant cycles. Any Tompkins County organization can apply for Hunger & Food Security funding.
In December 2012, area food pantry health and usage revealed that all local pantries had little or no funds on account at the Food Bank of the Southern Tier. The UWTC Board of Directors responded by awarding $5,000 in funding for ten (10) food pantries and community organizations in Tompkins County.
Over the years, UWTC funding has provided warm dinners for children and families, fresh fruits, vegetables, and entrées for lunch, backpacks filled with child-friendly nutritious food for consumption on weekends and holidays, infant formula and baby food to ensure food security, support for community gardening programs, and a new commercial refrigerator to increase a local pantry’s ability to provide meat, dairy products, and other perishable food items for the consumers.
All gifts will support local hunger and food security programs, including personal care items to help children, individuals, and families in Tompkins County. Gifts will be matched 100% through March 31, 2013.