- By Mary Grainger
- Around Town

Rev. Dr. Ashby is a member of the Interim Ministry Network and has considerable training and experience in intentional interim ministry, including being the co-founder of an Interim Pastor Peer Group which has met monthly since 1999. A longtime resident of Dundee, Ashby was ordained in the Presbyterian Church in 1982 and has served in several pastorates in the area. In recent years he has focused on intentional interim ministry, and has just completed work at the McLean Community Church. He was elected Moderator of the Presbyterian Synod for the Northeast for the upcoming term.
While interim pastors sometimes provide a stopgap while a congregation searches for a new pastor, an intentional interim pastor has additional training to help a congregation become responsive to its broader community and during a time of pastoral transition. An intentional interim minister will guide a church through developmental steps preparing for a new future.