- By Matthew P. Binkewicz
- Around Town

Lansing's Advice Column
Dear IMO,
My grandson works in the lumber department at a large box type store. He recently noticed his manager taking a lot of lumber from the store shelves and placing it in his (the manager’s) truck. He seems to do this while the assistant manager is out of the store. Should my grandson report this activity to the assistant manager or just keep quiet? I want him to do what is right, but I don’t want him to falsely accuse anyone.
Grandma Sue
Your grandson should always report theft of any sort to the manager or person-in-charge. This incident is more complicated since the potentially guilty party is the store manager. Your grandson ought to discuss this matter with the assistant store manager. If the store manager has actually purchased the lumber, then he will not be found guilty of a crime. The fact that the store manager transfers the lumber at times when the assistant manager is offsite would be a mere coincidence, and your grandson can resume his duties as a conscientious employee.
However, if the store manager simply waits for an opportunity to “help himself” to the lumber while the assistant manager is out of the store, then he is guilty. He should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Shoplifting costs everyone. The cost of the stolen lumber is passed on to the consumer, and no one wants that.
Your grandson needs to report this unusual activity to the assistant manger. Make sure his conversation is protected by the company’s policy of confidentiality so he will not fall victim to any reprisals. In turn, your grandson, and you—Grandma, need to abide by the same policy to protect the innocent as well as yourselves. He is learning a very valuable life lesson, and you should be proud of him.
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