- By Liz Heath
- Around Town

In addition, it is intended to motivate other cancer programs to work toward improving their level of care and best practices, encourage honorees to serve as quality-care resources to other cancer programs and educate cancer patients on available quality-care options.
John Rudd, CEO and president of Cayuga Medical Center said “This is a true validation of the extraordinary efforts that have occurred over the past ten years at our cancer care services. This honor was accomplished as a result of the dedicated efforts of our staff, key members of our medical staff, our community partners and our partnership with Roswell Park Cancer Institute. Kudos to all as this greatly benefits our community beyond words.”
Cayuga Cancer Center’s program was evaluated on 29 program standards categorized within one of four cancer program activity areas: Cancer Committee leadership, cancer data management, clinical services and quality improvement. Our program was further evaluated on eight commendation standards. To be eligible, all award recipients must have received commendation ratings in seven commendation standards, in addition to receiving a compliance rating for each of the 29 other standards.