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glennswanson_120Glenn SwansonThe Lansing Board of Education hired Colleen Ledley as Lansing High School Principal and Chritine Rebera as Raymond C. Buckley Elementary School Principal Monday at the first meeting of the new school board.  Also at that meeting Glenn Swanson was elected school board President and Christine Iacobucci Vice president.
reberaledleyChristine Rebera (left) and Coleen Ledley

Until now Ledley was Principal at South Hill Elementary School, and previously served as Ithaca High School Associate Principal.  Rebera has been acting Elementary School Principal for the past school year, filling the vacancy created when then Principal Chris Pettograsso became Superintendent.  Previously Rebera has served as Lansing-Groton Teacher Center Director and as a Lansing second grade teacher.

Swanson is currently serving his third term on the Board of Education.  Last year he served as board Vice President.  Iacobucci just won her fourth term on the board.  She has also served as Vice President.  Other board members are Aziza Benson, Tom Robinson, Julie Boles, Karen McGreevey, and Walker Reynolds.

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