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A few years ago, my heart stopped functioning properly. A cardiac artery was blocked, and I felt some strange and scary symptoms. The blockage was relieved with a stent, and the hospital that installed it included a detailed lecture to all such patients. They don’t want to see us again. Heeding that information has kept me healthy, and I want to share what I’ve learned with everyone who’s had a heart attack or has the potential.
And speaking of heart attack potential, two months ago, our house burned. Hence the hiatus. Having to move to a hotel with two large dogs, and then move to a temporary house, deal with the insurance hassles and the endless list of must-dos while fielding constant phone calls, and trying to stay focused on how lucky we are to have each other, was extremely stressful.

Not to mention staying healthy through the whole ordeal. That’s not easy when your kitchen is gone. We ate in restaurants a lot, and that’s problematic for a heart patient as well as for my wife, who’s diabetic. When will chefs learn that low carb cooking doesn’t mean low calorie or low fat? The first restaurateur to offer a wide range of low carb options, including Italian dishes made with Dreamfields pasta, will retire rich.

Cracker Barrel, of all places, deserves recognition for actually having a whole menu section of low carb meals. Maybe that’s a reason they’re so busy. It can’t be the cooking. Our own Crossroads Restaurant deserves a Michelin star in comparison.

In another restaurant, I ordered broiled fish, expecting to avoid the fat from deep frying. The fish was excellent, but it came swimming in butter. Deep fried would have been a healthier choice. Remember that in general, liquid fat (oil) is healthier than solid fat. Assuming room temperature, of course. And the harder the fat, the more saturated it is. Oh, how I used to love suet pudding.

McDonald’s deserves some credit while I’m going on about restaurants. Yes, McDonald’s. They’ve been systematically lowering the fat and sugar content in most of their menu for years, one baby step at a time. They don’t advertise this fact, because they got stung when they told the world that a new sandwich was good for you. Horrors! (Was it the McLean?) Of course, it bombed. Now, without fanfare, McDonald’s is selling lots of wraps. I recommend the Grilled Chicken Ranch.

Getting settled in our temporary house, I couldn’t wait to get rabbit from Lansing Market, for something healthier and for variety in my meat intake. Discovery: Basmati rice is the rice for rabbit to cook with. Takes it to a new level. If Big Lots still has it, stock up.

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