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Archive: Around Town

posticon Tiny Wasps Add A Sting To Lily Beetle Battle

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cornellParasiticWaspParasitic Wasp. Photo by Joellen Lampman/Cornell University

Many gardeners across New York state have given up on growing lilies, thanks to the lily leaf beetle, which has devastated the plants in many areas statewide, across the Northeast and in Canada.

Researchers at Cornell University have now released parasitoid wasps as a natural control and alternative to pesticides at three test sites across the state through a project of the New York State Integrated Pest Management (NYS IPM) program at Cornell's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, working with Cornell Cooperative Extension.

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posticon Concerts At Myers Going Strong

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Concerts In The Park

Two days after the 4th of July music lovers filled Myers Park for the kickoff 'Music In The Park' concert series.  Every Thursday through August 17 a new band will play.  The opening band was Small Town Shade, an award winning Cortland-based country band that has been featured on radio with their single, 'Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop'.

"Nick Stark is the front man for that band, and they were really good," says Lansing Park Superintendent Steve Colt.  "It was an excellent opening night crowd.  I would say 700, 800, maybe more.  There were cars all over the place.  It turned out to be nice weather, they sounded great, people were pretty generous at the door -- it was a good opening night experience.  I was really pleased with the crowd on the first night."

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posticon Second Phase of Library Renovations to Begin

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tcpl 600

Tompkins County Public Library Director Susan Currie has announced the July 20 launch of phase two of the 21st Century Library Renovation.

Phase two follows the successful February completion of a full public restroom remodel, the replacement of carpet throughout the Library and the creation of additional staff office space, and will include the much-anticipated construction of the 21st Century Digital Lab, featuring a community classroom and makerspace and a teen center.

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posticon Lions Club 4th of July

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Lansing Lions 4th of July Picnic
If there is one thing you can count on on the 4th of July it's the Lansing Lions Club 4th of July Chicken barbecue.  Families thronged to Myers Park Tuesday to enjoy the beautiful day and a delicious chicken dinner.  At least 40 volunteers made of Lions Club members, non-member volunteers, and boy scouts, cooked and served the chicken.

This thing almost runs itself," says the current Lansing Lions President Rick Hayes.  "These people know exactly what they're going to do and when they're going to do it. It comes together like a well oiled machine."

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posticon Dear Margaret - Comfortable with Routine

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dearmargaretDear Margaret: I'm the kind of person that doesn't enjoy change. I like where I live, a set schedule, and almost anything you can think of. I find comfort in steadiness, sameness and predictability.  I got married six months ago, and am realizing how opposite my partner is in this particular area. He seems to thrive with change. I find it disruptive. He finds it exciting. I find it distressful. I don't even like it when he moves the furniture around in the living room. I'm looking down the road and wonder if this opposition in our personalities will be the destruction of our relationship. How can I feel more settled in this new situation?
Comfortable with Routine
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posticon Myers Receives Byrnes Award

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Nancy MyersNancy Myers - Photo by Anne Gorsky

Lansing Food Pantry Director Nancy Myers was awarded the James J. Byrnes Award for Excellence for her outstanding volunteer service to the community.  The award was presented on June 26th at the Tompkins Trust Company, along with 5 other individuals and two groups also receiving awards.

The awards are given each year through the Legacy Foundation in coordination with the Tompkins Trust Company.  Each award recipient is given $1,500 for them to designate to a not-for-profit organization of their choice.  Myers chose to give $100 to each of the 15 food pantries in Tompkins County.

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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Ruby

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ruby17By Doug Scott

Hello friends, I'm beautiful Ruby! I'm a calm, 10 year-old feline who loves lounging in sunny windows, snacking on tasty treats, and following my person around. I'm also perfect about using my litterbox, up to date with vaccines, and have nice clean teeth thanks to the SPCA medical team! I would make a great indoor apartment cat in a quieter home or a perfect study buddy! If I sound like the right match, ask to meet me today!

Visit the SPCA Web Page

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posticon Within Reach - Visiting Children of All Ages

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Within reach They're visiting - and they're bringing their KIDS!!!

Welcome to summer in Central New York.

Families converge, friends long lost finally find you, and you open your mouth and say, "You don't need a hotel, you can stay here!".

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posticon Log Cabin Celebrates Lansing Bicentennial

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North Log Cabin

The North Log Cabin will be open to the public Saturday morning, July 8th, from 10am to 11am.
The North Log Cabin was open Tuesday to celebrate Independence Day and Lansing's Bicentennial.  The cabin was originally built near Conlon Road shortly after the Revolutionary War.  It is not only an icon of the Town of Lansing's history, but two sons of Thomas North settled to the west, naming their new Michigan home Lansing, after their home town here.  After three moves in its more than 200 history, the cabin now sits near the entrance of Myers Park.  Tuesday was the first time since it was erected and dedicated in the park that it has been officially open to the public, with displays featuring key elements of Lansing history.

The displays, created by Town Historian Louise Bement, Fannie Welch, and Kathy LaLonde, include pictures and information about the Cayuga Rock Salt and International Salt companies, Portland Point (the cement factory), the Short Line Railroad, a map showing old Lansing place names, and a general history of the town.  Additionally, Bement opened a time capsule, a box containing essays from Terry Davis' middle school history class.  Her students wrote essays in 1992 that they placed in a box to be opened 25 years later.

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posticon Three Professionals Join Local Service Club

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The Rotary Club of Ithaca introduced three individuals who have recently joined the service club. These community members volunteer in Tompkins County and bring professional experience from the business and not-for-profit sectors. Ithaca Rotary's motto is "Service Above Self." Membership is open to all who share in this belief; new membership applications are accepted year-round.

"The Ithaca Rotary Club is delighted to welcome these individuals," said Rotary Membership Chair Ron Provus. "Our members come from all walks of life and have a wide variety of interests to match those of Rotary. As members of Ithaca Rotary, individuals give of their time and skills to positively impact the needs of our community."

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posticon Dear Margaret - The Amateur

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dearmargaretDear Margaret: I'm one of those people who can't seem to find their one true passion. I'll be retiring soon and am dreading the thought of never having found that one thing that makes my heart sing and contributes to society. The real problem is that I have many things that interest me, and I tire of them easily and go on to the next endeavor. I feel like I'll always be an amateur or "Jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none." I want my life to have counted for something. My friends for the most part seem to have a direct path they are following. Mine is all over the place. Will I live my whole life as an amateur?
The Amateur

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posticon Tiny Mite Takes Bite Out Of NYS Honeybee Population

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A tiny mite is causing major problems for New York's honeybee population and is threatening the fruit and vegetable crops that are a major part of the state's $500 million agriculture industry.

The varroa mite is a common parasite that weakens honeybee colonies by feeding on bee blood and fat stores, and transmitting deadly viruses across the colony. One of those viruses, deformed wing virus, causes misshapen wing growth in infected bees.

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posticon Cornell CubeSat Wins Ride Into Space in 2019

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What started approximately seven years ago as research into electrolysis propulsion – using water as rocket fuel – has led to a Cornell University engineering team earning a shot at space-flight history.

Cornell’s Cislunar Explorers – a student group led by Mason Peck, associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering – won the final ground competition and is one of three teams selected by NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate to have their spacecraft launched onboard the agency’s newest rocket, the Space Launch System (SLS), which is sending an unmanned Orion spacecraft into deep space in 2019.

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