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Archive: Around Town

posticon A $50,000 Birthday Present

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Margaret Shackell

You probably think a $50,000 birthday present is extravagant, even if all your friends go in on it together.  But that's exactly what Margaret Shackell wanted: 50 of something for her 50th birthday.  Shackell, who is an active participant in causes throughout Tompkins County, and especially in the Lansing schools decided she wanted 50 thousands of dollars for the 17 local causes that mean the most to her.

"I have had a lot of friends over the past couple of years who have been turning 50," Shackell says.  "They've done some 50 for 50s.  Marian Ferrer did 50 lunches with friends.  I thought that was awesome.  Deb Ryan did 50 bucket list things.  So I started thinking about what matters to me: fundraising for charities in the community.  I've given myself a year to do it.  I hope it will be sooner than that.  I hope people will jump in and want cake, or want to help out, or want to stop hearing me asking for money!"

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posticon Dear Margaret - Happily Idle

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dearmargaretDear Margaret: I gained and lost the same ten to twenty pounds. My weight gain has never prohibited me from engaging in activities that I enjoy. My problems is that I have a very dear friend who has recently become a gym rat and seems to have made it her mission to rescue me from what she perceives as idleness.  She nags me about joining her at the gym, invites me to go for 'slow jogs' with her, and is constantly lecturing me on the benefits of working out. It’s getting so I avoid answering the phone when she calls and decline social interactions with her. I miss our friendship and don’t know how to gently let her know her hounding me is pushing me away. How can I steer our friendship back to where it was before her new passion for fitness entered our relationship?
Happily Idle

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posticon Within Reach - Disney World?

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Within reach Ok, if I can reach Sunny Florida, so can you.

Greetings from the Savannah outside my villa window. After a bumpy ride from Rochester to Orlando and perhaps an overly long time between meals, we finally arrived at the Kidani Village Resort, part of the Animal Kingdom lodge.

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posticon Can Heat Pumps Solve Lansing's Natural Gas Problem?

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Heat Pump
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Where energy is concerned the political environment between Lansing and much of the rest of Tompkins County has become difficult and adversary.  With economic stress like the devaluation of a power plant and mall within the Town's borders, there is increasing pressure to increase the tax base by attracting new businesses and developments.  Lansing representatives say the stalling of a gas delivery pipeline, a moratorium on natural gas, and the higher cost of alternative energy is slowing or outright preventing projects from being developed here.  Proponents of extending the moratorium indefinitely say that alternatives like heat pumps can and should affordably pick up the slack so no new natural gas capacity is needed.  A new study supports this view.  It demonstrates that for home heating heat pumps are equal in cost to natural gas installations.

"It is a reasonable question: by continuing a moratorium by preventing natural gas from coming to Lansing, are we penalizing developers and homeowners by forcing them to pay more in construction costs or more in energy costs?" says Taitem Engineering, PC founding partner Ian Shapiro.  "Our study says no."

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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Gabby

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by Sarah Post

gabbyHi, I'm beautiful Gabby! I'm a calm, introverted girl who arrived at the shelter after my person had to move. I'm in good spirits though and know that my perfect person will come in soon! When it comes to relationships, I'm very level-headed. I don't leap in paws first, if you know what I mean. But give me a little time, and then I'll shower you with purrs, head-butts, and plenty of lap time. In the meantime, you may not see a lot of me but I'll be thinking a lot of you! I am happiest as the only cat in the home, but thankfully I have so much personality you won't need anyone else! I use my litterbox perfectly, am already spayed, microchipped, and am up to date with vaccines. If you're looking for an easy-keeper, choose me!

Visit the SPCA Web Page

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posticon Free Interfaith Community Dinner

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Thursday, May 25, from 5:30-7:30pm
Tikkun v’Or, Ithaca Reform Temple, 2550 N Triphammer Rd, Ithaca
Neighbors getting to know Neighbors!

Congregation Tikkun v’Or & Lansing United Methodist Church will co-host an Interfaith Community Dish-to-Pass Dinner, free and open to all.

Everyone is welcome! Please bring a labeled, vegetarian or dairy dish-to-pass and an open heart to meet new friends.
(If time or budget, make the “dish” a hardship, please just be our guest!)

Join us for an evening of great food, fellowship & conversation!

Want to get involved? Questions? Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Liza

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by Emily Selland

liza dogDo you like energetic dogs with a great grin? Take me home! I'm Liza, and I'm a young dog looking for my new family. I'm playful, very clever, like snacks, and check out my wiggly whole-body wag! I'm learning some basic manners while I'm here at the shelter, and I'd love to find someone who likes training dogs as much as I like learning. I do everything with enthusiasm, but I tend to forget to look before I leap (sometimes literarily!) so I'd do best in a home with teenagers or just adults. Once I've had a good walk or chased some toys in the yard, I love sprawling in a lap, cuddling and giving sloppy kisses. I've tried living with cats and other dogs before, but that's not my cup of tea. I want my humans all to myself, and I promise that we'll have so much fun you won't need any other pets! Do I sound like a good match for your household? Come in and let's get to know each other!

Visit the SPCA Web Page

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posticon Dear Margaret - Feeling Overworked

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dearmargaretDear Margaret: I'm a fairly new employee at a small company, and this job is my first one out of college. My boss has made it clear that expectations are high in terms of the number of hours put in as well as production. I am paid on salary, not by the hour, and the salary is decent. Most employees, including management, do not work 9 to 5, but stay at least 2 to 3 hours past the end of the official work day. After being there for about a month, I'm feeling like I don't have a life outside this job, and I'm beginning to resent 9 to 10 hour work days without extra compensation. Shall I mention this to my employer? I don't want to jeopardize my position.
Feeling Overworked

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posticon Holocaust Survivor and Nobel Prize Winner at Lansing HS

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lhs HoffmanHolocaust Survivor and Nobel Prize in Chemistry Winner Dr. Roald Hoffman addressed Landing High School Freshman and Sophomores in Mary Beth Fantacone's and Dan Ferguson's classes. Hoffman lectured on how humanity can overcome fear and hatred by telling the story of a little boy that once hid in a school room attic to one day become a Nobel Prize in Chemistry Winner! Photo by LHS Senior Emily Hornibrook

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posticon Baskerville ('17) To Speak At Wells Commencement

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wells maia baskerville

Aurora, New York—Maia Baskerville '17 has been chosen as the student speaker for Wells' 2017 Commencement ceremonies. A Biochemistry and Molecular Biology major from Montgomery, N.Y., Maia is known both for her skilled work in the sciences, participation in exceptional collaborative research experiences, and involvement in many organizations and opportunities across campus. Following her Wells degree, Maia will begin a Ph.D. program in microbiology at Yale School of Medicine.

"My favorite people to question [in the sciences] were always the laboratory technicians," Maia said, "who were the only people who could explain the biochemical processes underlying the various diseases they were testing for. After seeing the rainbow of bacteria and fungi that grew on my agar plate after a random sampling of nearby classroom surfaces, my path into the field of microbiology research was clear."

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posticon Commissioner of Planning and Sustainability Marx to Retire

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After 16 years of leading Tompkins County's Planning arm, Commissioner of Planning and Sustainability Ed Marx has announced plans to retire from County service in late August.

Marx joined Tompkins County in 2001 to serve as Commissioner of Planning. During his time with the County, responsibilities have also included half-time service as Deputy County Administrator between 2004 and 2005, and executive management of the Public Works Department as Commissioner of Planning and Public Works from 2005 through 2012. Revisions to the County Charter earlier this year included a department name change to better reflect Planning Department responsibilities and the Legislature's priorities, and Mr. Marx's title changed to Commissioner of Planning and Sustainability.

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posticon Within Reach - Free Wonders of the Ithaca Area

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Within reach If you are like me, and I know many of you are, you will be entertaining friends from out of town over the course of the summer. Some with kids, some without, some camera bugs and others who just want to soak in the beauty of our area.

Just about everyone is familiar with the Finger Lakes State Parks. They are beautiful, no doubt, and free ONLY if you are over 62 and it’s a weekday. Otherwise there is a parking charge that seems to rise every year…

So, being thrifty (cheap) I suggest in no particular order, a few less known places whose beauty will knock your socks – or sandals off. And they are free. Always a good thing.

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posticon Mosquito Control and Habitat Reduction

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Mosquitoes are considered a nuisance pest, but occasionally they can transmit viruses to people and some animals. Although your chances of being infected with a disease through a mosquito bite are small, there are simple steps you can take to reduce your risk of being bitten. Reduce the mosquito population around your home and property, reduce or eliminate all standing water:

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