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Archive: Around Town

posticon Military Veterans to Attend Cornell Academic Boot Camp

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military 1For some military veterans, the first day of school at a new college or university is as challenging as a deployment to a foreign country. Immersion in a new culture and reintroduction to a demanding academic environment can make the transition from military to higher education difficult. To ease the transition, the Warrior-Scholar Project (WSP) is hosting an intensive weeklong academic boot camp at Cornell University beginning July 23, 2016.

The Warrior-Scholar Project coordinates immersive academic preparation courses for enlisted military veterans of any skill level at America's top universities. The program is designed to help military veterans develop and rediscover the skills and confidence necessary to successfully complete four-year undergraduate degrees. Because veterans are non-traditional students with unique experiences distinguishing them from their college peers, WSP also uses theboot camps to help prepare participants for the emotional and cultural adaptations required to succeed in a higher education setting.

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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Gracie the Great

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by Sarah Post

graciethegreat  Gracie the Great was surrendered to the SPCA when her person had to move out of state and was unable to take Gracie to the new home. Gracie is reportedly very friendly - verified by this writer - and never shows aggression. Gracie has lived with other cats, as well - and remains 'so totally friendly'. She's not always a fan of being picked up, but is curious and friendly, and would be fine in a household with children older than 6 years.

As you can see, Gracie's person couldn't resist her cat's pleas and meows for 'more food', and Gracie is currently being fed the equivalent of Lite Diet in an effort to reduce her to a healthier size!

Visit the SPCA Web Page

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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Smokey

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by Sarah Post

smoeky Are you looking for a fun-loving, happy as can be new friend? If so, choose me! I'm Smokey, a Chihuahua mix who absolutely loves playing, cuddling with volunteers, and learning new tricks. My ideal home would be a quieter one without young children or other animals. Thankfully I have so much personality, you won’t need anyone else! After a good walk, I love nothing more than to cuddle in your lap. I’m up to date with my vaccines, neutered, and microchipped… all set to go home! If I sound like the perfect package, come in and say hello today!

Visit the SPCA Web Page

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posticon Lansing Youth Mission Bottle & Can Drives

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Lansing Youth Mission collects returnable bottles and cans on the third Sunday of every month at the time of the morning Worship Service. Please bring deposit bottles and cans in boxes or tied plastic bags to the collection points at All Saints Catholic Church and Lansing United Methodist Church.

You can also take your bottles and cans to the Lansing Bottle and Can Redemption Center (3106 North Triphammer Road). Please let them know your donation is for Lansing Youth Mission.
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posticon Giant Quetzalcoatlus Model Soars at PRI

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Amelia the flying QuetzalcoatlusA life sized model of one of the largest flying creatures in Earth history officially is now on permanent display at the Museum of the Earth.  'Amelia' is a life-sized model of a 70 million year old Quetzalcoatlus northropi with a 36-foot wingspan.  It has been relocated to Ithaca from its original home at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.. The Quetzalcoatlus's new name 'Amelia' was unveiled at a press conference Weddnesday.  PRI Marketing and Communications Manager Marissa Zuckerman says the name appropriately commemorates the iconic aviator Amelia Earhart. 

"We chose the name to honor an iconic figure who created a lasting legacy of soaring the skies with pride," Zuckerman said.  "Amelia is only fitting for our Quetzalcoatlus and will help establish her own legacy here at PRI."

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posticon Within Reach - Rosamond Gifford Zoo

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Within reach Grandkids are in town this week, and where do all grandchildren want to go?

To the Zoo of course.

It had been eons since I had been to a zoo – one in North Carolina about 20 years ago, and the 'Burnet Park Zoo' back when I was a teenager. Burnet park still exists and is host to the zoo, but the zoo has changed its name to the 'Rosamond Gifford Zoo'. What's in a name? Isn't a Zoo a Zoo?

monroe zoo 1158
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posticon Dear Margaret - In a Quandary

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dearmargaretDear Margaret:  My single friend 'Scarlett' is a wonderful and caring individual and fun to be around. She is often included in our family functions. However, every time she is around my brother and widowed father, both of whom are attractive and well off financially, she becomes embarrassingly flirtatious. She morphs into a seductress and hangs on to their every word. Thankfully, this behavior is limited to single men. My brother and father find her mysterious. I find her manipulative. Shall I confront her about my concerns regarding her predatory behavior, or should I warn my brother and father that her interest in them could be financial? I don't want to lose her friendship over this. In a Quandary
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posticon Third-Graders Study Belle Sherman Nature Trail Habitat

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ipei naturetrail120Red-backed salamanders, crayfish, dragonfly larvae, tadpoles, and crane flies are some of the species observed on the new Belle Sherman Elementary School Nature Trail.  Third-graders recorded their observations last month as part of a four-week field study funded by an Ithaca Public Education Initiative (IPEI) Red and Gold Grant.

Belle Sherman teacher Monica Lang collaborated with Laurie Rubin, retired teacher and local author of "To Look Closely—Science and Literacy in the Natural World," to create a series of journaling lessons corresponding with the field, forest, meadow and creek areas of the trail. Through drawing, poetry, informational writing and personal narratives, students documented their observations and insights.

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posticon Wine Spectator Honors Aurora Inn

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aurorainnAurora, N.Y. - Wine Spectator has honored the farm-to-table Aurora Inn Dining Room with a 2016 Award of Excellence for the quality and breadth of its wine offerings. Curated to "satisfy discerning wine lovers," the dining room's wine list offers over 115 selections, with over 30 from the Finger Lakes – additional featured regions include California, France, Argentina, and Italy. Fewer than 4,000 restaurants around the world are recognized each year by Wine Spectator's restaurant awards.

"Our whole team is so proud to be recognized again this year," remarks Erin McElhinney, dining room manager. "We take great care in what makes it onto our list, which is designed to enhance the dishes on our menu and to ensure our guests have an exceptional experience. Ryan Williams' 2013 Gruner Veltliner for example, is the perfect complement for our pan-seared scallops with tomato risotto."

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posticon Concert In The Park - Marc Berger & RIDE

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Marc Berger & RIDEThat few of the bands in this summer's Concerts In The Park series are repeats from past summers makes Lansing's summer concert series unique this year.  Next Thursday (July 21) features Marc Berger and RIDE, a band that will bring a fascination with the American west and love of American musical roots to Myers Park.  Berger is a singer-songwriter who has performed all over the country.  His album, also titled RIDE, is based on his travels in the west. 

"The album combined my great affection for that world and my love of American music.  The west is kind of timeless.  There's something about it that appeals to people all over the world. it seems like it always will.  There are qualities and values that make that very attractive."

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posticon Rotary Club Of Ithaca Inducts New President

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rotary JohnsonThe Rotary Club of Ithaca is pleased to welcome its new president for the 2016-2017 year. Dale Johnson, executive director of Hospicare, stepped into the leadership role on July 1. Johnson has been an Ithaca Rotarian since May 2010.

"This is an exciting time to be involved in Rotary programs," says Johnson. "The Ithaca Rotary Club has a lot of positive energy to work with, and I hope to help the club become more visibly engaged in the local community.'"

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posticon The Bald Eagle - A Symbol Of Our Nation's Freedom And Independence

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nozzolioBaldEagle120As our annual Fourth of July weekend winds down we all give thought to the great American spirit of independence that gave birth to our Nation 240 years ago.

It was a group of accomplished and brave Americans in 1776 who ignited the flame of freedom, democracy and citizen rule which would eventually spread all across the world. Their efforts were quite an American success story. At this time let us take the opportunity to congratulate those from our own local area in the Finger Lakes for their efforts in achieving another American success story.

As a symbol of our Nation's freedom and independence the bald eagle was chosen in 1782 as the emblem of the United States of America, because of its long life, great strength and majestic appearance.  The symbol adorns our coins, the Great Seal of the United States, and on many other important emblems, including the Seal of the Great State of New York. The bald eagle represents the freedom and independence we enjoy as Americans and celebrated this past weekend.

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posticon Dear Margaret - Feeling Forgotten

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dearmargaretHi Margaret:  My mother had a stroke six months ago and I moved her into my home so I can care for her. At first I was deluged with wonderful friends rallying around me with support and offers of assistance, for which I was grateful. It’s been three months now, and I find that all of my support has dwindled, and I feel alone and secluded. I’m not sure if this is because my friends found my burden too heavy or they have simply gone on with their lives and forgotten about me. I am afraid to contact them for fear of putting them in the uncomfortable position of turning down my suggestion of meeting for an outing of coffee or dinner. What should I do?
Feeling Forgotten

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