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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Diesel

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Diesel is an adorable, 6 year old, Rottweiler/Labrador mix. He initially came to the shelter after his owner had to move and couldn't bring him along. We adopted him out only to find the poor guy abandoned once more. Diesel is a high energy boy and would do best in a home where he can get regular walks/runs/hikes. Diesel loves to play - he has great enthusiasm - but he can get a little overexcited at times. For this reason, we recommend that he go to a home with middle-school aged children or older. It is possible that he will get along with another dog if you currently have a pup at home, but we would require a dog-meet just in case. He has lived with cats in his first home, so outgoing feline roommates might also be fine. Diesel is looking for an active, dog-savvy person to call his own - come in to visit with him today!

Visit the SPCA Web Page


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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Little Sand Castle

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Little Sand Castle, who is only 2 years old, was found roaming the hills of Newfield. She is really friendly and understands that people are in this world to pay lots of attention to her, pet her, and love her. Given that sweet personality, it's hard to understand how Sand Castle wound up with so many 'war wounds' from her time before the SPCA. Her teeth were particularly damaged, but that problem has since been taken care of, and she has put on some needed weight as well. Sand Castle will greet you with head butts, purring and welcoming meows. As for play, she especially likes string toys. Are you looking for a little extra love to add to your home? If so, Sand Castle is your girl!

Visit the SPCA Web Page


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posticon Library to Commemorate Sesquicentennial

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tcpl120Tompkins County Public Library will launch a year-long commemoration of its Sesquicentennial April 4 with '150 Years and Counting:  A Community Celebration of Library Service.'

Anniversary festivities planned for April 4 through 6 include exhibit openings, proclamations and presentations by state and local legislators, a local history presentation by County Historian Carol Kammen, and a special storytime featuring Beauty and the Beast Storytellers.
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posticon Lansing High School is Footloose!

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fl_0023Lansing High School's production of 'Footloose' is still running tonight and tomorrow, March 7th and 8th at 7:30pm in the Lansing Middle School Auditorium

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posticon We Spell Krazy Good (WSKG) Wins Adult Spelling Bee

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bee_120After four preliminary rounds with seven teams in each, four finalist teams advanced to the championship round at the Ithaca Public Education Initiative (IPEI) 16th Annual Adult Spelling Bee on March 2.  After 84 words were spelled correctly in front of a crowd of 250 community members of all ages, two teams remained.  The Ithaca City School District (ICSD) Board of Education team (Board of Ed Buzz) sparred with the WSKG broadcasters (We Spell Krazy Good) through four more challenging words before a winner could be determined. WSKG correctly spelled 'passementerie' which is an ornamental edging or trimming made of braid, cord, gimp, beading, or metallic thread. The other finalist teams were staff and parents from ICSD elementary schools: BJM Spell Casters and Takin’ Care of Business from Fall Creek.

The Bee raised over $25,000 to support IPEI’s grants for teachers. Held in the Ithaca High School Wellness Center Gym, there was no admission charge for the annual family-friendly event that featured 28 spelling teams of three adults each competing for the championship Fuzzy Bee trophy. Funds were raised through event sponsorships, team sponsorships, program advertisements, pledges based on correctly spelled words, and a silent auction.
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posticon Celebrate NanoDays™ 2014 at the Sciencenter

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nanodays120The Sciencenter is making a big deal about the smallest science! Funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation, the Sciencenter conceives, develops, and tests educational activities that foster public awareness, engagement, and understanding of nanoscale science, engineering, and technology. These programs and activities reach over a half million museum guests throughout the U.S. during NanoDays. An annual science festival, Nanodays is held at over 300 science museums in the U.S., organized by the Nanoscale Informal Science Education Network (NISE Net), of which the Sciencenter is a lead partner.

NanoDays takes place in Ithaca on Saturday, March 22, 12 – 4 pm at the Sciencenter. Guests will explore nanoscale science and technology with 30+ hands-on activities, family-friendly presentations, and the Nano exhibition. Admission to the Sciencenter is free all day for NanoDays, sponsored by BorgWarner, Inc.
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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Max

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Max is a 2 year old puggle (pug/beagle mix) who was brought to the SPCA because his previous family couldn't care for him any longer. When Max first came to the shelter, he was petrified. He was sent to a live in one of our loving foster homes where he is learning to trust people again. His foster mom reports that he is very smart, very eager to please and doing very well learning with the positive training he is receiving. He is a great little dog who LOVES to run and play! Max gets along nicely with other dogs (and cats too!) and would love another playful dog in his new home. He is very affectionate, very generous with kisses and craves lots of attention. Adopt him today and be the one to give him a loving and stable home where his personality can continue to bloom!

Visit the SPCA Web Page


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posticon Hale and Hearty

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haleandhearty{AF background=#ffffff,border=black,float=right,width=200px}A few years ago, my heart stopped functioning properly. A cardiac artery was blocked, and I felt some strange and scary symptoms. The blockage was relieved with a stent, and the hospital that installed it included a detailed lecture to all such patients. They don’t want to see us again. Heeding that information has kept me healthy, and I want to share what I’ve learned.{/AFWe heart patients find ourselves in an ironic position. Stress contributes to heart attack risk. Duh, we know that, right? Well, now that we've had our bit of scary excitement and can walk around again, we're supposed to take care of ourselves so we can annoy our loved ones for as long as possible, right? Doesn't that mean that for now and forever amen we're worrying about another heart attack? And worry causes stress, right?

Isn't this fun?

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posticon Lansing Students Recognized For Second Quarter

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soq_120Twelve Lansing high School students were recognized with 'Student of the Quarter Awards' earlier this month.  High School business teacher Matt Loveless told the Board Of Education Monday that this new initiative will seek to acknowledge students who are not typically recognized for academic or athletic achievements. 

"We brainstormed as a staff about different areas we would like to acknowledge individual students in terms of achievements in the classroom -- not necessarily academically," Loveless reported.  "Students who are participation catalysts, students who come prepared to class on a regular basis, students who are helpful or respectful towards others."
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posticon Learning and Playing Outdoors

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ifp_120The Ithaca Forest Preschool Web site tells parents, "At Ithaca Forest Preschool, we believe the best time to start connecting with nature is in early childhood, when the mind is absorbent and brain and behavior patterns are first being established.  This is child-centered, child-directed experiential education that leads to deep nature connection."  All well and good, but a simpler way of saying that is that kids should play outside, and they love doing it.

"As a mother of a pre-schooler I am concerned about how hard it is to get my kid outside," says Forest Preschool Lead Instructor Melissa Blake.  He has so many great toys to play with and the whole screen-time issue is already coming up for us even though we swore we were going to limit his screen-time until he was five.  The more time they spend outside the more they want to go out."
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posticon CFCU Supports YMCA Scholarships

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ycfcu120CFCU Community Credit Union supported the YMCA of Ithaca Open Doors Scholarship Program with a huge check presentation, Friday, February 21, at 12:00 Noon in the YMCA gym. CFCU donated $5,000 in charitable funds towards this important critically-necessary program that provides financial scholarships to Tompkins County children, families, and individuals to enable them to participate at the Y.

Last year, the YMCA of Ithaca provided over 2,000 scholarships to individuals at a value of $136,000.  This year, CEO Frank Towner states that the need is greater than ever, and the requests are significantly higher than last year at this time. The YMCA currently serves around 4,300 members with health and wellness membership services, various program offerings, family activities, workshops, and special events.
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posticon Arts Mini-Grants Awarded To Teachers

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ihs2012_120The Ithaca Community Fine Arts Booster Group (FABG), an affiliate of IPEI, has awarded $2,755 to Ithaca City School District (ICSD) teachers as mini-grants serving over 2,500 students.  Funded projects include Urban Art, an all-school trip to the Hangar Theatre, Botanical Illustration and more.

Funds are raised through the FABG performance booklet advertisement sales. The Boosters produce performance booklets for middle and high school concerts and plays, totaling over 30 events each year.
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posticon Birthing Center Returns To NYS Fair In 2014

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cow1The New York Animal Agriculture Coalition (NYAAC) Tuesday announced the Dairy Cow Birthing Center exhibit that debuted at the 2013 New York State Fair will return in the same location, only bigger and better.  The exhibit, which showcased 30 dairy cows giving birth to baby calves, was one of the most popular exhibits at the New York State Fair last year, attracting over 160,000 fairgoers.

“NYAAC is pleased to return this educational exhibit to the New York State Fair, and expand upon the success we achieved last year,” said Jessica Ziehm, Executive Director for NYAAC.  “The dairy industry couldn’t have been more pleased with the overwhelmingly positive response we received from fairgoers who visited the Birthing Center last year.  Our tent was filled to capacity during most births and the level of interest exhibited by the public was impressive.”
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