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Archive: Around Town

posticon A Hidden Village Treasure - Poison Ivy Point

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pip_120The Village of Lansing only has one public park, but it has a developing greenway that has been part of the Village's comprehensive plan for years.  Poison Ivy Point is owned by the Village, but has only been accessible to hikers since February 2010 when the Bolton Point Water Commission conveyed Bolton Point Road to the municipality.  Today that green space is part realization, part potential.

"The point itself has turned into the most amazing natural area," says Village Trustee and Deputy Mayor Lynn Leopold.  "There's a huge pond in there.  There are water fowl nesting there, and it's full of frogs."
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posticon Hale and Hearty

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A few years ago, my heart stopped functioning properly. A cardiac artery was blocked, and I felt some strange and scary symptoms. The blockage was relieved with a stent, and the hospital that installed it included a detailed lecture to all such patients. They don’t want to see us again. Heeding that information has kept me healthy, and I want to share what I’ve learned.
NEWS FLASH: Lansing Market has rabbit!

I’ve mentioned rabbit but haven’t pushed it, because no store around here carried it. Now that the ideal heart patient’s meat is available, I’m pushing.

First, let’s get the cultural bias out of the way. I don’t suffer from a prejudice against eating rabbit because I grew up in the country, and we ate all the rabbits we could shoot. We were also aware that the Easter Bunny is a mythical creature.
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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Caitlin

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Hi! I'm Romeo, and I'm a fun loving, happy-all-the-time, glass-is-half-full kind of dog looking for someone who loves to laugh and play around. My new owner must have a great sense of humor and some time to spend with me. I'm a dog on a mission to please you. If you feel like going for a long hike, I'd be happy to join you, but a night lounging on the couch is good with me too. I get along great with other dogs and may enjoy a four-legged friend in my new home. My previous owner also brought me to the dog park to have some fun and let me stretch my long legs out. Another key to my heart is a squeaky toy- they're my absolute favorite! I'm on a special food and antihistamines to help with some allergies I have, but they're a small price to pay for the amount of love I'll give you in return. Come in and say "hi" to me today!

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posticon School Day at the Field School House

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fsh_schoolisin120Mrs. Decker brought her Covenant Love Community School first and second graders 150 years back in time Thursday when she taught her class at Lansing's Field School House.  The class was greeted by Lansing Town Historian Louise Bement, who rang the bell to announce that school was about to begin.

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posticon Wells College Names deWitt As Interim President

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wellsAurora, New York—The Wells College Board of Trustees has named Thomas E. J. deWitt, Ph.D., interim President through the 2014-15 academic year. Wells College President Lisa Marsh Ryerson announced her retirement in the fall and will conclude her nearly 20-year presidency this summer.

“We’re delighted to welcome Dr. deWitt to the College,” said Stanley J. Kott, chair of the Wells College Board of Trustees. “His wealth of experience and the quality of his leadership will be valuable assets as he leads Wells through this transition. The Board and I look forward to working with him and the campus community as we seek innovative and exciting solutions to the College’s challenges.”
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posticon Dittman Leaves School Board

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dittmanrecognitionSuperintendent Chris Pettograsso presents David Dittman with a certificate of appreciation

Lansing Board Of Education Chairman David Dittman was recognized Monday for six years of service on the board.  Dittman did not run for reelection because he will be moving out of state.  He plans to commute to continue teaching at Cornell University.

Dittman was presented with a certificate and a photograph of the school campus.  Vice President Glenn Swanson will chair the remaining two school board meetings of the school year.
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posticon Campbell Makes Best Seller List

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wholeDr. T. Colin Campbell's new book, Whole, is now on the New York Times best seller list. It follows his earlier book, The China Study, co-authored with his son, Thomas M. Campbell MD, who will soon be assuming his new position as Executive Director of T. Colin Campbell Foundation.

The China Study documented the findings of his long career in experimental research with his many students and colleagues on diet and health, mostly at Cornell University.  Whole is his attempt to explain why this rather unique information has for so long remained relatively unknown. The China Study, published in 2005, has now sold over one million copies and is selling at a rate higher now than it was more than eight years ago.
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posticon Lansing Principal Resigns Due To Punishing Mandates

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erichartz_120Eric Hartz resigned from his position as Lansing High School Principal Monday.  Hartz has held the leadership position in the high school since 2009.  In a letter to the Board of Education he outlined his journey in education, and the reasons he is leaving the profession, saying that onerous unfunded New York State mandates have overwhelmed educators' ability to be effective.  He said he is spending too much time fulfilling mandates and paperwork that would be better spent educating students.

"It's a very sad moment for me, but I just can't do it any more," he said.  "It's not this district.  It is our state and where we are at right now, and what we're doing.  I just don't believe in it any more."
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posticon Grant Funds SPCA Van For Spaying/Neutering

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spcavan_120Two ASPCA®  grants will help the SPCA of Tompkins County stem the tide of pet overpopulation in the area.  The first grant will provide the most obvious enhancement to the shelter’s extensive low-cost spay/neuter programs. A grant for $90,450 was designated specifically for the purchase of a Sprinter van, custom outfitted for the safe transport of animals to spay/neuter clinics.

The Sprinter is tall enough for a person to stand comfortably while loading animals, and is climate controlled for the safety of the animals. The grant also provides support for the operating expenses of the vehicle for the entire first year.
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posticon Ribbon Cut at Downtown’s New Sustainability Center

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sc_ribbon120Community members gathered on Thursday, May 9, 2013 for a ribbon-cutting ceremony to dedicate downtown Ithaca’s brand new Sustainability Center at 111 North Albany Street.

Over 100 students, professors, authors, green builders, elected officials, tourists and representatives from local non-profits and businesses enjoyed refreshments from Greenstar, and remarks by Mayor Svante Myrick, along with several members of the Sustainability Center advisory board, on a warm spring afternoon.
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posticon TCAT Ridership Up

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tcat_2011_120TCAT, Inc. reported Monday that year‑to‑date ridership was up 9.7 percent in the first quarter of 2013 with more than 1.19 million trips compared to nearly 1.09 million trips in the first three months of last year.

Meantime, year‑ to‑date ridership for April, 2013, was up 11.6 percent with nearly 468, 000 trips compared to a little more than 419,000 trips in the same month last year.
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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Caitlin

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Hi there, everyone. My name is Caitlin. Just look at my unique and beautiful face and you'll know I'm a unique and beautiful girl! I was 8 years old when I was brought to the SPCA of Tompkins County because I didn't get along with the other cat in my house. I can be a little nervous at first, but ultimately I seem to like people and appreciate toys. I am a very sweet cat waiting to come home to a place with respectful children over 6 years old, and where I can recover my sense of security; where I know I am safe and loved. Could it be your house?

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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Tasha

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Hello there! My name is Scottie. I was originally a resident of the City of Ithaca when a concerned citizen found me wandering around the sidewalks and brought me to the SPCA of Tompkins County. I am a very friendly and inquisitive cat! I will solicit your attention with rubs, chirps, and meows, and I very much like being scratched! I was adopted and returned as I was territorial with the other cat, so it would be best for me to be the only cat in your home. OK, I'll tell you about my ears. They are a reminder that I had a rough start at life and are the result of being scratched to the point of bursting blood vessels which left scar tissue behind. But I think it adds to my unique charm- don't you?

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