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Archive: Around Town

posticon Tompkins County Save Trees With Mail Opt-out

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aa_trashwhtEach year, 10 billion pounds of solid waste are created by direct mail advertising, but this April 22nd in honor of Earth Day, Tompkins County residents can tell companies to stop sending it, saving trees as a result. The County’s Solid Waste Management Division has partnered with Catalog Choice – a TrustedID company and the nation’s leading mail preference service – to provide an easy and free way to opt-out of unwanted mail including catalogs, coupon mailers, donation requests, credit card offers and phone books.

Since July of 2007, the program allows local residents to opt-out of unsolicited mailings.
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posticon Second Graders Play and Problem Solve

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Climate change may seem scary, but thanks to the Sciencenter, Kids Discover the Trail!, and some intrepid second-graders, the future of the earth is in good - if small - hands.

In the second floor classroom in the volunteer-built Sciencenter, second graders from Northeast and Belle Sherman elementary schools walked in hand-in-hand with their KDT! buddies. A Sciencenter educator engaged the kids in an interactive lesson about the five sources of energy - wind, gas, sun, water, and coal - and the differences between renewable and non-renewable energy sources. The class learned about the difficulties of coal and gas production, and about the negative effects of carbon-based energy production on the environment. Or, as the teacher put it, the way that carbon "acts like a blanket over the earth."
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posticon $30,000 Challenge Gift for 30,000 Lives Saved

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spca120“We are so excited to be announcing this and celebrating an incredible milestone,” says SPCA of Tompkins County’s executive director Jim Bouderau. “With the help of this community, we became the first open-admission, No Kill shelter in 2001, and the first LEED certified Animal Shelter in 2004. With the help of this community we can now celebrate the fact that we have saved the lives of just over 30,000 companion animals!”

Bouderau goes on to explain that a major supporter of the SPCA, who wishes to remain anonymous, was so inspired by this incredible milestone that they have offered to match every dollar donated before May 15th, up to $30,000.
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posticon IPEI Helps Build Archery Project

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ipei_archery_120Archery has been a part of Lehman Alternative Community School (LACS) English Teacher Jason Zorn’s life since he was a child. This year, with the help of an Ithaca Public Education Initiative (IPEI) Red and Gold Grant, he was able to share his knowledge and passion for the practice with his students.

Zorn is one of 26 recipients who received an IPEI Red and Gold Grant in the third round of awards given during the 2012-13 school year. Red and Gold Grants are one-time projects that strengthen and enrich Ithaca schools. May 6 is the next deadline for Red and Gold Grant application submissions, and the awards of up to $500 are announced within two weeks.
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posticon Saturday Dress Giveaway Makes Prom Possible

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promdresses_120There are all kinds of social pressures in high school.  One of the hardest is when a student can't afford to participate in events the other kids don't have to think twice about paying for.  One local businesswoman is trying to take that problem away for girls who want to go to their prom but can't afford a dress.  Her office is holding the third annual Frannie Haranin State Farm Prom Dress Give-away event tomorrow.

"We collect used, slightly worn bridesmaids and prom dresses from women in the community," Haranin says.  "We clean them lightly or do minor alterations if we can.  Then we invite any high school girl in the area to come in and get a prom dress for free on a Saturday in April.  We have punch and cookies.  We turn the offices into dressing rooms so the girls can come in and try them on.  We try to make it a fun and special day."
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posticon Hale and Hearty

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A few years ago, my heart stopped functioning properly. A cardiac artery was blocked, and I felt some strange and scary symptoms. The blockage was relieved with a stent, and the hospital that installed it included a detailed lecture to all such patients. They don’t want to see us again. Heeding that information has kept me healthy, and I want to share what I’ve learned with everyone who’s had a heart attack or has the potential.
The questions I get tend to center on food. And why not? When you have to modify your diet and exercise to stay alive, diet is much more appealing to think about. But this week, I want to throw out my planned column and start with news about food.

First, about cheese. I’ve remarked that fat-free cheese melts no better than vinyl tiles, yet vegan or veggie cheese melts beautifully. That makes no more sense than a cash-strapped government mailing out millions of surprise checks. Actually, I meant to pick on just the dairy based fat-free cheeses. Many of them do behave strangely both in the pot and on the palate.
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posticon April Is 9-1-1 Month

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911April is National 9-1-1 Education Month, and the National 9-1-1 Education Coalition (the Coalition) is encouraging public safety officials, schools, government officials, and industry leaders to engage in this national effort to educate the general public about the importance and appropriate use of 9-1-1 services. To support this endeavor, the Coalition has launched the 9-1-1: The Number to Know awareness campaign to allow these entities to speak together with one voice while supporting specific 9-1-1 messages being promoted in the local community.

This month-long campaign is designed to help citizens of all ages recognize the importance of 9-1-1 and their role when calling 9-1-1. Locally, the Tompkins County Department of Emergency Response urges you to take a few minutes to learn and understand what is important should you have to call 9-1-1. This campaign will be providing educational materials to the Tompkins County Community to help residents become more familiar with the critical information needed when you call 9-1-1.
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posticon Lansing Students Earn Perfect WordMasters Score

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wm_yooLisa YooSeveral students representing Lansing Middle School recently received perfect scores in the second of three meets for this year’s WordMasters Challenge™—a national vocabulary competition involving nearly 150,000 students annually.

Competing in the difficult Blue Division of the WordMasters Challenge™, seventh graders Lena Gisler, Leigh Miller, Zoltan Csaki, and eighth grader Lisa Yoo earned perfect scores of 20 in the February meet.  Nationally, only 70 seventh graders and 31 eighth graders achieved a perfect score.
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posticon TCCOG Sponsors Gas Drilling Forum

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lake_fall_120An upcoming educational forum, sponsored by the Tompkins County Council of Governments, will examine the potential health effects of gas drilling on farm animals and pets, and how such potential effects could point to similar effects in humans.

The forum, entitled “Impacts of Gas Drilling on Human and Animal Health,” will take place on Tuesday, April 16, beginning at 7:00 p.m., at the Ithaca Unitarian Church, located at the corner of East Buffalo and North Aurora Streets. The free event is cosponsored by the First Unitarian Social Justice Committee.
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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Duffy

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duffyHello there! My name is Duffy! I am a fugitive from the Wild Side of Tompkins County, as I was born in a brush pile in 2009. I like to maintain my independent streak, although I also would like to live indoors. I'm not as into lovey-dovey behavior as other cats, but don't let that deter you! Even though I may never be a lap cat, and probably wouldn't appreciate being around children, I do have a dream of getting good pets behind the ears as a response to my friendly and playful side. Do you think your home might fit my requirements?

Visit the SPCA Web Page


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posticon 23 West Coast Dogs Ready For New Ithaca Homes

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spca_caldogsThe SPCA of Tompkins County has completed the intake of 23 small dogs from Best Friends Animal Society in Los Angeles and the little Chihuahuas and mixed breed small dogs will start being available for adoption beginning on April 11 and throughout the weekend.

“We are thrilled that we were once again in a position to work with Best Friends Animal Society Los Angeles to transport 23 small dogs to Ithaca!” says Jim Bouderau, executive director.
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posticon Reusing People In New Jobs

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ReUse CenterFinger Lakes ReUse (FLR) is offering a new job-training program called ReSET (Skills and Employment Training). ReSET provides training in marketable job-skills to individuals seeking new career opportunities.  ReSET offers two tracks: ReSET Tech--skills in computer technology, and ReSET Construction--skills in construction and green building. The trainings will involve a hands-on learning environment through exposure and participation in day-to-day business activities in FLR’s eCenter or Deconstruction Services programs.

Participants in the ReSET Tech track will learn the internal components of a computer, their purposes and how they function. They will also test, troubleshoot computers and their components, and refurbish computers for reuse.
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posticon Local Scientists Published In Fracking Journal

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lake_fall_120Opponents of hydrofracking say there hasn't been enough scientific research, while industry groups say the research is adequate and clearly shows that hydrofracking can be done safely.

The peer-reviewed journal, New Solutions: A Journal of Environmental & Occupational Health Policy has just published a special issue on hydrofracking, edited by Ithaca residents Michelle Bamberger and Robert Oswald. The issue, which is available online for free thanks to an anonymous donor, features articles on regulatory effectiveness and impacts on public health, the economy, and community life.
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