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Archive: Around Town

posticon Cass Park Arena Enclosure Campaign Continues

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The Cass Park Arena Enclosure Campaign has received support from across the community since it began in 2016. Over 325 individuals, businesses and foundations have made donations to the nonprofit Friends of the Ithaca Youth Bureau (FIYB) to help fund the proposed glass enclosure for the 46 year old recreation facility.

Campaign coordinator and FIYB board member Mary Grainger announced that contributions from businesses and foundations have surpassed the $100,000 matching gift challenge by Incodema, Inc.. Sean Whittaker, Incodema's president, encouraged other members of the Ithaca area corporate community to join him improving the arena that has 40,000 visitors each year for non-ice and ice seasonal activities. Many of the 35 corporate supporters to date are recognized with arena dasher board signs visible to arena users and visitors.

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posticon Lansing Gallery - Airport Day

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Diane Duthie - Lansing GalleryLast Saturday was Airport Day at the Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport.  The day started with a 5K run -- or was it a 5K runway?  Athletes ran around the runway and taxiway with proceeds going to the SPCA of Tompkins County.  East Hill Flying Club offered their annual pancake breakfast, as well as airplane rides.  The historic, recently restored WWI Thomas-Morse “Tommy” biplane was on display -- it's centennial flight is coming up on September 29th.

Food trucks, activities, a hot air balloon, and airplanes, airplanes, airplanes -- what more could anyone ask for?

Photos by Diane Duthie

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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Juno

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juno catBy Chloe Winter

My name is Juno, and I am a cute young tortoiseshell cat. I love to explore, play, and meet new people. I lived with another cat before, so given a slow introduction, I could get along just fine with your resident feline. All I need is a comfy, happy home!

Visit the SPCA Web Page

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posticon Annual Fall Rummage Sale

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LANSING UNITED METHODIST CHURCH will hold its Annual Fall Rummage Sale Friday, September 21, 8 a.m. (outside) 9 a.m. (inside) to 6 p.m.; and Saturday, September 22, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. The location is on Route 34B and Brickyard Road, six miles north of Ithaca, one mile north of the light in South Lansing. The sale features clothing and accessories for all ages, furniture, tools, housewares, crafts, costumes, toys, games, sports equipment, books, computers, and lots more. Bargains abound in this long running community recycling project.$1.00/ bag clearance on Saturday! Come and bring your friends for truckloads of treasures!

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posticon Village Dedicates Three Parks

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Village of Lansing Dedicates Three Parks

The Mayor and Village Trustees dedicated three village parks Sunday at a gala celebration at Marian Hartill Park, the newest of the parks in the Village of Lansing.  The new park got a good workout with plenty of kids using the playgrounds, adults walking paved paths, and, of course, food and speeches.  The event also celebrated Ned Hickey Park and the newly renamed Global Village Park.  Most of the two hours was a celebration, but of course there were speeches.

"This is an example of local government doing good, and I hope everyone will enjoy it," said Village Trustee Pat O'Rourke. "I can see the children already love it.  Marian was a very dear and close friend, so naming this park for her is great.  She loved two things: open green spaces, and she loved dogs.  From the turnout of dogs today I think she must have called them all here!"

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posticon Program Expands Serving Inmates and Family Members

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A pilot program that has offered parenting workshops for inmates in the Tompkins County Jail is expanding its curriculum and developing a cohort of classes for community members affected by incarceration. Last year, the Parents Apart Program enrolled 38 inmates in six hours of classes facilitated by an experienced parenting educator from Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County. Beginning this month, the program was restructured into 12 modules that address specific issues related to inmates who are parents.

"We felt it was very important to offer this to incarcerated individuals because even if they're not going through a divorce, they are separated from their children, and their children are impacted by their incarceration," said Jennifer Gray, a community educator at Cornell Cooperative Extension, which developed the program. The program has been funded by several organizations, including the Community Foundation of Tompkins County, the Cornell Cooperative Extension Tompkins Re-Entry Program, the Tompkins County Jail and the Legacy Foundation of Tompkins County.

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posticon Dear Margaret - Caught in the Middle

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dearmargaret We live in a coastal town which appeals to family and friends as a good travel destination. Since our home is small, most people stay at a nearby hotel to avail themselves of closer proximity to the water. Family sometimes choses to stay with us, which is usually fine as long as their stay is relatively short. However, one family member, on my wife's side, comes rather frequently and stays a bit longer than my patience can tolerate. Worse yet, this person leaves their belongings all over the house. This makes a big impact in our small house. I don't want to make waves over this, but for someone who likes order and neatness, I find it beyond unsettling. How can I handle this situation without causing a rift between my wife and me, or between this family member and me?
Caught in the Middle

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posticon Interfaith Dinner

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posticon Gala Vs. Red Delicious Apples

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With the U.S. Apple Association predicting Gala will take the title of most popular apple replacing Red Delicious, Susan Brown, professor of horticulture and world-renowned apple breeder provides the history behind both varieties. Brown also says regardless of which type you prefer, this will be a great year for apples.

Brown bred the SnapDragon and RubyFrost varieties at Cornell University. Cornell has released over 65 apple varieties since the late 1890s, including the popular Cortland, Macoun, Empire and Jonagold.

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posticon SPCA Pet of the Week - Elsa

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elsa catBy Chloe Winter

Hi there! My name is Elsa, and I'm a super cute, small white cat. I'm friendly and I like to be petted, and I've even lived with a young child before and did well. I'm only 2 years old with a long, happy life ahead of me! I do have an allergy to fleas, so I just need flea prevention medicine each month. I promise, my cuteness is worth it!

Visit the SPCA Web Page

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posticon Lansing Gallery - The Parade!

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Diane Duthie - Lansing Gallery
Last weekend's carnival came with a parade featuring local groups, businesses, fire departments and candidates and political parties.  The parade started at 6pm at Woodsedge Road, marching up Ridge Road to end at the carnival at Lansing Central Fire Station.

Photos by Diane Duthie

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posticon The Carnival!

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Photos by Karen Veaner

Photo by Karen Veaner

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posticon Dear Margaret - Need Structure

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dearmargaret I've been assigned a project with a coworker, and we are equals as far as the organization chart goes. My modus operandi is to use project management tools and stick with a plan to its completion. Unfortunately, my partner seems to take a relaxed approach, to put it mildly. I've complained to our boss about this, and she doesn't seem concerned. Although my coworker doesn't lack in dedication and hard work, I seem unable to corral her strong points into the plan we set forth. I've talked to her about it, and she, like our boss, doesn't appear to be troubled. It's driving me crazy. I worry that the project won't be completed satisfactorily and on time. What can I do or say to get my partner to stick to the system we agreed upon?
Need Structure

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