- By Michael Stelling
- Business & Technology

The store will feature their own fresh roasted coffee, gourmet cheese, extensive selection of teas, craft beers, candy – including specialty chocolates, coffee, jams and other gourmet foods, Espresso machines, kitchen items, and teapots.
Expanded food options including baked goods, breakfast sandwiches, soups, and grilled Panini sandwiches. “We opened our first store in the Triphammer Mall in 2004, and have experienced growth beyond our expectations. Now we’re excited to open our second Ithaca store downtown in the Gateway Commons building,” said Julie Crowley, Ithaca Coffee Company owner. “With outstanding service and an amazing location we believe the Ithaca Coffee Company downtown store is going to be a favorite destination for students, downtown workers, and people throughout the Ithaca area.”
“Gateway Commons is a great location," she added. "It provides us a wonderful opportunity to join the downtown business community.” Julie and her father, Bob Crowley own and operate Triphammer Wines and Spirits, their family business for 66 years. The Crowley family has been doing business in Ithaca for over 80 years, going back to Crowley’s Restaurant, which opened in the 20’s.
The Crowleys purchased and then expanded longtime Triphammer Mall business, 'The Gourmets Delight' in June 2004, to create what is now the Ithaca Coffee Company. The Ithaca Coffee Company has been locally roasting specialty coffee for over 20 years, since 1984. The new store is in a LEED Registered “Green” building and is environmentally sensitive. The Ithaca Coffee Company store at Gateway Commons adheres to energy efficiency, sustainability, and environmentally responsible business.