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Richard and Kay Moore presented a check for $1,000 to the Ithaca YMCA's CEO Paul Grennell yesterday to celebrate Moore Tree Farm 's 20th Anniversary.  The check kicks off the couple's plan to collect donations during the Christmas tree season to help area youth participate in Y programs throughout the year.  The money will go to the YMCA Scholarship Fund.


The Moores started their business 20 years ago as a retirement business after Richard finished a career teaching technology at Cornell's Hotel School.  But the business grew into a second career for the couple as the farm grew to hold the 65,000 trees that are there today.  The trees are available for customers to cut themselves, or pre-cut for Christmas and landscaping.  During the Christmas Tree season the farm has many events including visits from Santa, horseback riding, and this year Mulch Mountain, a hill for kids to climb on that is made from recycled pieces of trees.


The YMCA isn't the Moores' only charitable project.  Richard is Vice President of the National Christmas Tree Association that sends trees to troops.  A collection of trees was piled up next to the barn yesterday to be shipped to active service men and women today.  Fedex collects the trees to deliver to 20 bases nationwide.


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