- By Marcia E. Lynch
- Business & Technology
The sale includes the “Biggs” building currently occupied by the County Health Department and nine acres of land that surround it. Under the agreement, Cayuga Medical Center will pay the County $1,059,000 and take ownership of the building on August 1, 2010.
The sale will not affect an adjacent 26-acre wooded parcel nor a small residential-type structure adjacent to the Biggs property owned by the County.
The sale of the Biggs Building is a part of an overall plan to relocate the County Health Department to a more efficient facility in the Cornell Business Park. The County purchased the office building and is nearing completion of a renovation undertaken to LEED Silver standards. Proceeds of the sale will be used to support a portion of the renovation cost.
Cayuga Medical Center President Dr. Rob Mackenzie said the acquisition of the County property serves the long-term strategic interests of the hospital, ensuring that future development will be carefully planned and consistent with the interests of both the hospital and Town. In the short-term, the hospital plans to make the building available to office tenants.
The process of authorizing the sale began yesterday, with consideration of the plan by the Legislature’s Government Operations Committee and will include review by the Facilities and Infrastructure Committee prior to a planned May 18 vote by the entire County Legislature.