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alternatives120During the holiday season in late 2010, Alternatives Federal Credit Union offered a unique incentive to their members: use your Alternatives VISA Debit Card more than usual for a month, and the Credit Union will donate $5 to the Ithaca Health Alliance. The offer was made to debit card users who averaged four to six transactions per month in the hope that they would increase their usage to more than 13 transactions in December. Four hundred and ten members increased their transactions to meet the goal of the $5 donation; the total donation to the Health Alliance was $2,050.

In December, 2009, Alternatives started this VISA Debit Card donation program, donating $1,775 to the Friendship Donations Network, a local food pantry for those in need.

Suzanne Cerquone, Marketing Director of Alternatives, comments: “We’re very happy with the past two years of this program and hope to continue it each holiday season.  It’s win-win-win for all involved – the members use their debit card instead of a credit card; Alternatives sees an uptick in debit card usage; and best of all a local non-profit sees the fruit of our members’ charitable efforts.”

Bethany Schroeder, Executive Director of IHA, is appreciative of the donation, and has determined how the funds can help IHA’s clients:  “This donation from Alternatives members will help patients in need of ongoing evaluations for chronic conditions like diabetes, heart disease and hypertension.  Many of these patients should have lab tests, but because they cannot take on additional expenses or debt, they are often forced to make hard decisions about pursuing treatment options.  This donation will relieve these patients and the clinical providers who care for them of the burden of determining next steps without having enough information.”

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