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bjopening_bread1New BJs stores traditionally open with a bread breaking ceremony instead of a ribbon cutting

A special bread-breaking ceremony officially opened Ithaca's new BJ's Wholesale Club Saturday morning before the store opened for its Grand Opening.  Officials from the corporate office joined Ithaca store General Manager Steve Pane in the ceremony, which included reaching out to the community by presenting donations and adopting the Lansing Elementary School.


bjopening_elementarySteve Pane (left) presents $500 to Steve Grimm and Chris Pettograsso for the R.C. Buckley Elementary School

R.C. Buckley Elementary School has been chosen as the Ithaca store's 'adopted' school as part of the company's Adopt-a-School program.  Principal Chris Pettograsso and Superintendent Stephen Grimm were presented with a check for $500 to kick off the partnership, and Lansing 4th graders sang.

bjopening_myersLansing Food Pantry Director Nancy Myers recieved a cart full of food for her program.

bjopening_mayorVillage of Lansing Mayor Donald Hartill

bjopening_yIthaca Y CEO Frank Towner receives $1000



The Lansing Food Pantry was given $500 worth of food at the Grand Opening to start what will become ongoing food donations.   Three other groups received $1000 each, including the YMCA of Ithaca and Tompkins County, Family Reading Partnership, and the Women’s Opportunity Center.

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