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ihspac_120David Brown, Ithaca City School District (ICSD) Fine and Performing Arts Director, lauded the work of district staff in outreach to students.   Brown reported on the 'State of the Arts' at a recent Fine Arts Booster Group meeting, discussing arts initiatives and efforts that align with ICSD Board of Education goals.

“Due to some restructuring and rearrangements, some ICSD schools are seeing a 50% increase in students signing up for instrumental music, such as Enfield Elementary Band,” stated Brown.  In addition, these initiatives are increasing options for students including the first-ever Ithaca High School Dance class, art assistance in special education, AP Art History, AP Music Theory and a Technical Theater Club.

Facility use is also increased.  The Ithaca High School Performing Arts Center’s Kulp Auditorium usage by schools in the district is up 100%.  “Increased participation in the arts and effective use of our resources is all part of the art, music, drama and dance staffs’ efforts to reach all students,” commented Brown.  “This vision is made possible by collaborations with community groups, incredible support from the Superintendent, Board of Education and our partners, the Fine Arts Booster Group (FABG) and the Ithaca Public Education Initiative (IPEI).”

The Fine Arts Boosters support 'all the arts for all the kids'.  FABG strives to foster appreciation for the arts, advocate for the arts, and improve learning opportunities for all.  To reach these goals, the boosters fundraise, communicate, form partnerships and give grants.  The boosters invite everyone to celebrate and support the fine and performing arts in the ICSD.

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