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music3Tully Council for the Arts presents its ninth annual Messiah Sing Along on Sunday, December 22, 2013 at 6:30 PM in the Tully High School Auditorium.

The evening will feature chorus and orchestra performing the beginning section of Handel’s oratorio, commonly known as the Christmas Canon, with the well-known 'Hallelujah Chorus' as the finale.

The Council invites the public to come and sing: copies of the choral numbers will be available to people who don’t have their own score. People are welcome to just come and listen; a big audience is always appreciated for this event!

What started eight years ago as a concert with a few dozen singers from Tully accompanied by two pianos has grown into a cherished event with participants in the chorus and orchestra from all over the greater Syracuse and Cortland areas. Soloists this year include professionals in the music and theater fields, award-winning music students, and people who just like to sing, (because that’s what it’s all about). Singers who wish to brush-up on the music can attend an optional dress rehearsal with the orchestra at 1:00 PM on Saturday, December 21st at the high school.

Another tradition of the evening, the 'cookie feast,' takes place after the concert in the school lobby, with hot, spiced cider served as well. The Council encourages those attending to feel free to bring a plate of cookies to share.

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