- By Jim Evans
- Entertainment

By Dr. Parley Speake
OLD GEEZER: The staff at the Institute for the Linguistically Impaired enjoys many an evening in the Fowler Lounge tap room playing what we call redundancy crunching. This means making a joke by turning the redundancy on its head.
For instance, “Gabby” Johnson may wonder aloud whether Father Peter Holdoff, over at Our Lady of Loving Disapproval, is a young codger or an old whippersnapper. Or if Maken, Payette & Hurt, the Institute’s law firm, might be the overback of society here in Underbelly, Texas.
Recently, an old friend had the nerve to refer to another friend, who’s also old, as an old geezer. Naturally, I brought that up by proposing that the man might actually be a young geezer, having an old body but a very young and nimble mind.
Said proposition was greeted with loving disappoval.