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During the fall, TST BOCES Smith Building art students studied the life and art work of Georgia O'Keefe and explored the mediums of chalk pastel and oil pastel while drawing flowers, shells, and bones. Turning Point High School and Middle School students studied surrealists Dali and Magritte and created surreal interpretations of their own using photos donated by local photographer Matthew Binkewicz.

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The students decided which areas of the photo to cut out and then drew into the blank areas surreal interpretations that included texture, line, image, color alterations and narrative. The cumulative body of work was on display at the Tompkins County regional Airport in the atrium from December through January.

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The art show was enjoyed by staff and visitors alike.  Because it was so well received, we were granted permission to retain the space for the month of February as well.

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The current exhibit expands upon the 'Surrealism' concept. Students from Kindergarten on up studied Oppenheim's surrealist 'Fur Teacup' and worked on interpretations of their own. Using a wide range of drawing techniques and collage items they created whimsical alternate realities.

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