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The Community School of Music and Arts (CSMA) announced its upcoming November gallery exhibition, The Bright, The Bleak, The Enigmatic: Art of Haiti. Opening on Friday, November 2, the exhibition will feature works by contemporary artists trained in the studio of renowned painter Philomé Obin and the related Arc-en-ciel studio in the port city of Cap Haïtien.
Artists from northern Haiti grow up highly conscious of the major historical events that took place in Cap Haïtien, where a successful slave revolution succeeded in establishing a free Black nation. Many of the vibrantly colorful works commemorate that era. Others depict more recent times in the city and the countryside, containing clues to deeper insight into ordinary life and intimations of the spiritual. Works from the collection of Haitian art scholar LeGrace Benson are included with works commissioned to support two Haitian public schools through proceeds from sales.
CSMA faculty musicians Dave Streater (piano) and John Bunge (banjo) will perform original jazz in the gallery during the opening reception, influenced by Haitian culture and the works of art. The reception will take place on Gallery Night, Friday, November 2, from 5-8 PM and the exhibition will remain on view through November 30.