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Smart TalkSmart Talk SMART TALK
By Dr. Verbos Metikulos

TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION: Not far from Underbelly, Texas, the home of the Institute for the Linguistically Impaired, lies Overback; and beyond that, Consideration. The motto on its welcoming sign reads, “Have a little Consideration.”

But this town’s claim to fame is its Consideration Baskets. Any time someone around this part of Texas says, “I’ll take it into Consideration,” the speaker carries a short note about the discussion to St. Bernard the Considerate Catholic Church, and places it in one of the baskets along the inside back wall. A contribution in the slot of the nearby floor safe is customary.

On the last day of every month, the priest saying morning Mass burns the notes on the altar while praying for propitious outcomes. This method of avoiding protracted arguments gives time for both parties to, well, consider, and Lengua Loco County has the lowest rate of gunshot wounds in the state.

The monetary considerations dropped into the safe have not only paid for a special altar with a huge hood and exhaust fan but also financed aid teams to go to scenes of natural disasters throughout the South.

Meanwhile, back at the Institute, I teach patients to say I’ll consider it, or think about it, or ponder it, or even mull it over.

But some folks don’t like me to suggest that they mull it. They think I’m making fun of their haircut.

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