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Smart TalkSmart Talk SMART TALK
By Dr. Will S. Sert

THE SMITH’S: After the Theory of Relativity, the apostrophe may be American minds’ greatest challenge. Yard and mailbox signs demonstrate the confusion.

The Smith’s means that that house belongs to one person called The Smith. If a family lives there, the sign should say The Smiths, if you want to keep it simple and correct. Didn’t you hear in school, even once, that to make a plural, you just add an S?

If you want to look possessive, it could say The Smiths’. But if your name ends with an S or two, the rules get more complicated, so forget it.

Why not just Smith? This is simplest, and therefore most helpful to someone looking for your house, and it’s correct. The Smith’s looks as if you’re either trying to sound cute, or you slept through English class.


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