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Smart TalkSmart TalkSMART TALK
By   Dr. Parley Speake

IRREGARDLESS:  Adding ir- (not) to regardless cancels the "-less" and leaves you saying "regarding."  Not what you want.  It's one of those double negatives like I don't have none, which means you have at least one.  And whatever you have, I probably don't want it, regardless of your price.

A related and extreme impairment in some parts of the country is so don't I.  Here at the Institute for the Linguistically Impaired, we teach patients to say so do I

Just as strange is I could care less.  Our patients seem surprised to learn that they're saying that they do care, at least a little, if they could care less.  What they mean, and should say, is I couldn't care less

When they say that, we know they don't give a darn, regardless of what we say.

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