- By Janice Streb
- Entertainment
Nathan bets fellow gambler Sky Masterson (Sean Streb) that he can't make the next girl he sees, who happens to be Miss Sarah Brown (Niki Triant), a straight-walking sergeant from the Save-a-Soul Mission, fall in love with him. Nathan, who despite encouragement to "go straight" by his fiancée of 14 years, Miss Adelaide (Erin Trowbridge) is pressured by his buddies Nicely Nicely (Derek Ryan) and Benny Southstreet (Parker Callister) to find a place to hold his floating crap game since a surge of "high-rollers" like Big Jule (Aiden Quest), Harry the Horse (Ben Parks) and Angie the Ox (Steve Cardone) have come to town. They gamble in the Mission and they gamble in the sewer. Instead of money the winning bet put these gambling sinners at the midnight prayer meeting at the Save-a-Soul Mission.
There's no gamble here. It's a sure bet that you will thoroughly enjoy these young people performing the antics of the "Guys and Dolls, Jr."
Photos by Karen Veaner