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Smart TalkSmart TalkSMART TALK
by Dr. Will S. Sert

NUCULAR: Please try to look up this word. Like alot, it doesn't exist. Please note the spelling: NUCLEAR. The last five letters spell CLEAR, and the pronunciation isn't far from "new-clear."

Many patients entering the Institute for the Linguistically Impaired say nucular. They don't realize that doing this makes questionable anything they have to say on the subject. After all, if they never bothered to learn to pronounce even their topic, how careless might they be with their facts about it?

For years, we've been trying to get a certain politician to seek treatment, but he has stated publicly that he hasn't made mistakes and regrets none of his decisions. One who is always right misunderestimates his need for treatment and is virtually incurable.

Too bad. After treatments, our patients think more about what they say and often stop saying realitor and athalete on their own.


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