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Smart TalkSmart TalkSMART TALK
by Dr. Will S. Sert

ALCOHOL ABUSE:  This nonsense term is as silly as from the desk of... - try replying, "Dear Desk..." - and speak to this question - will the question listen? 

The term alcohol abuse came up, ironically enough, as my colleague Parley Speake tipped a tankard with me one evening at the Fowler Lounge.  He remarked, "This isn't alcohol abuse, it's self abuse." 

Sipping his schooner of stout, Les Terse allowed that substance abuse of any kind made no sense.  "The substance suffers no abuse at all."

Viva Palaver, the staff psychologist here at the Institute for the Linguistically Impaired, said, "Way ahead of you, boys.  We shrinks have made it simple for once.  It's addiction, be it to legal drugs, illegal drugs, or texting."


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