- By Doug Levine
- Entertainment

The Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce participates in data collection for the ACCRA Cost of Living Index. The Cost of Living Index provides a useful and reasonably accurate measure to compare cost of living differences among urban areas, covering more than 300 cities every quarter. Items on which the Index is based have been carefully chosen to reflect the different categories of consumer expenditures. The ACCRA Cost of Living Index is the most reliable source of city-to-city comparisons of key consumer costs available anywhere. ACCRA COLI data is recognized by the U.S. Census Bureau, US Bureau of Labor Statistics, CNN Money, and the President's Council of Economic Advisors.
The Cost of Living Index is always available at tompkinschamber.org under Visitor/Relocation Info. This is a great tool to share with friends, family or soon-to-be co-workers looking to relocate to the area, or if you are considering leaving Ithaca. Simply input your current location and salary and select a different city. ACCRA Coli will create a balance sheet to compare what your current salary would equal in a different city and provide a comparison chart for the cost of food, medical, automotive and many other necessity items.