- By Running to Places
- Entertainment

“I’m not going to lie – Little Shop might be my favorite musical,” confesses director Joey Steinhagen. “Early 60’s girl group music and classics like 'Somewhere That’s Green' and 'Suddenly Seymour' – plus a brilliant and hilarious script that is equal parts Sci-Fi B-movie and Greek tragedy. Not to mention the giant puppets! How can you lose?” Referencing the series of puppets, which he also designed, that bring the villain of the show to life, Steinhagen shares, “I’ve seen Little Shop productions which left me disappointed, when, at the climax, the puppets are listless and not very menacing. We were determined to make sure ours were lively.” He demurred when pressed for details. “Just come see the show.”
Gail Belokur, Running to Places Executive Director and Producer is excited about the venue. “One of the core principles of Running to Places is to hold rehearsals and performances at a variety of locations, which supports our mission of creating community by being in each others’ home towns. Candor is my family’s home town but not as far from Ithaca as one might think; I take the scenic and surprisingly short drive back and forth between Candor and Ithaca nearly everyday.” Candor High School is only 19 miles from the Ithaca Commons – a quick trip up 96B past Ithaca College, then a quick right then left once in Candor and you’re there. Belokur adds, “Plus the auditorium is recently renovated and air-conditioned!”
Choreographer Todd Peterson reminisces jokingly about Running to Places’ previous show, Footloose. “We promised the hottest show of the summer, and we delivered!” The unusually warm weather, combined with the heat of the energetic dancers onstage, the lights and the 1800 people who attended the show a few weekends ago, made for a balmy theatre experience. “We’re looking forward to the air-conditioning at Candor,” adds Peterson, “and to building on the momentum of our record-breaking run of Footloose. We feel we raised the bar for ourselves in terms of what young artists could achieve. Kidding aside, that show was hot!”
Erica Steinhagen is the Music Director for the show. According to her, “Many people are shocked when they see the caliber of the teens. They’ve never seen such strong performers of this age. We’ve consistently had audience members tell us that once they’ve seen an R2P show, they’re hooked, and they come back again and again. This is not a typical ‘school show.’”
Young artists are exercising their talents behind-the-scenes as well. Elaine Young (Stage Manager) and Maxine Etchison (Costume Designer) are high school students who have been mentored by professionals and college majors throughout the process. Belokur says, “We’re very grateful for the generosity of the Community Foundation’s Browning Fund. We’ve been honored with a grant to support our mentoring program. This gives young people the skills they need to do their jobs and to grow as artists.”
Besides those previously mentioned, other members of the team include Mike Garrett (Scenic Designer/Technical Director) Laura Krassowski (Lighting Design/Scenic Charge Artist), and Julie Jentzen (Props Master). The cast also includes Adam Beckwith as the Dentist, James Palmer as Mushnik, with Anais Duplan, Engy Hassan, Wynter LaTorre-Osavska, and Sophie Potter as The Doo-Wop Girls.