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ImageOn Wednesday, April 21, Wells College will host a performance by Chicago City Limits. The improvisational comedy troupe has been featured on HBO, Comedy Central, The Today Show and The McLaughlin Group, as well as venues ranging from the Smithsonian Institution to the Super Bowl. Their performance, sponsored by the Wells College Arts and Lecture Series, will be held at 7:30 p.m. in Phipps Auditorium of Macmillan Hall on the Wells College campus.

The cast of Chicago City Limits will perform “Wikiphobia,” a show that takes aim at the many transformations web-based media have wrought in our world—such that "Google" is no longer just a number, "Friend" is no longer just a noun, and virtual, user-generated facts are as good as actual, factual facts. In “Wikiphobia,” Chicago City Limits brings its unique style of improv comedy to the biggest stories in the news (and the actual news, too).

The Wells College Arts & Lecture Series brings a range of artists and intellectuals to campus to perform, to speak on relevant issues, and to represent the disciplines of theatre, music and dance. A committee composed of Wells faculty, staff and students selects groups and individuals annually. Chicago City Limits is the series’ fourth and final offering of the academic year.

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